Items for Phirius Shells

  • Hi!

    I've noticed that VIPs get daily Reset Tickets for Minigames which provide one with phirius shells, that are, frankly spoken, quite useless here.

    What about putting some attractive items for phirius shells to make them more appealing to higher level-/content players? I thought of:

    1. Wedding Food
    2. Musical Instruments (Really Expensive, 30day music for about 25 days worth of minigames or 7 day for about 5 days worth)
    3. Pet Amulets (10k EXP)

    Thanks for reading, have a beautiful day and lovely, merry christmas!

  • Moderator

    Approved the thread.
    • Official Post


    We've added new sets for Phirius Shells in the past, which allow players to get neccessary stats and catch up much quicker. You may find Vendors for these Items on the pier of Atlantis.



  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.