Relationship buff husband-wife

  • have a suggestion. Reconsider the positive effect of the relationship (husband-wife) just want the two to benefit from the buff. It can be done so that one buff gives a magical attack and another a physical. I hope I wrote it clearly, since I don't know English)

  • have a suggestion. Reconsider the positive effect of the relationship (husband-wife) just want the two to benefit from the buff. It can be done so that one buff gives a magical attack and another a physical. I hope I wrote it clearly, since I don't know English)

    I wholeheartedly support this suggestion. There are far more dps than healers or tanks (that benefit from the defensive marriage buff) which creates a situation where not everyone gets the buff he or she wants.

    I would suggest though that both partners gain the defensive and offensive buff. Would be easier to implement and wouldn't have much of an impact in terms of power creep anyway.

  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “Relationship buff” to “Relationship buff husband-wife”.
  • Parece una buena propuesta. Podrían dar la opción de elegir el efecto de la relación durante la boda. así como se elige en las mascotas zodiacales. así sería mucho más inclusivo

    It seems like a good proposal. They could give the option to choose the effect of the relationship during the wedding. as well as it is chosen in the zodiacal pets. that way it would be much more inclusive

  • "I would suggest though that both partners gain the defensive and offensive buff." I can Support this idea.
    so u dont have to finde a tank or a healer (both are more rare than dds) and u can take your frind or dps buddy :)

  • This actually seems to be a pretty good idea, since (speaking for myself) me and my wife both play offensive and defensive classes, but only 1 of us can benefit from a given buff each. I know from my guild mates, that some got the relationship months ago (in the meantime pretty much high leveled), but partially changed roles in our runs.

    Also, there are much more DPS players than Healers and Tanks, so it's quite hard to find a partner for many players I guess. I, as a main-tank, was asked by multiple persons back then (but there was only 1 right choice UwU).

    So I agree to the idea of giving both partners both buffs, or some kind of combined buff (since there are already too many buffs around). :thumbup:

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.