New look

  • Hi All,

    Most probably this has already been discussed so could you please send me an appropriate link to read. If not, then I have a few questions coming from "old" version of the game.

    1. What happened to some textures? Why were they changed? For example, grass texture in Logar.

    2. Looks like the music/sounds are the same but new ones were added, right?

    3. Text. This one is actually quite bothering since it's hard to read the text now. Has anyone else noticed it?

    4. Maybe there is a switch on/off available or some settings in the .ini file I am not aware of?


    • Official Post


    1. Yes, we reworked ground textures to 4k quality. We are also successively updating icons and other objects' textures (like trees) to HD.

    2. Yes, original music/sounds are here plus especially in custom zones there are new ones as well.

    3. As far as I know you mean speak frame (npc dialog) you mentioned before. Could you please provide screenshot with examples? We tried to adjust colors as best as possible, but maybe we missed some colors (like hyperlinks).

    4. All settings are in Interface settings and Graphics settings in menu under ESC key.


  • Basically, in general, my suggestion is to consider an option for players to choose between "new" and "old" graphics (textures, text, icons etc.) for people who got used to it.

    What do you think? Is this something possible? Should not be hard to implement since everything is already there (i mean the old resource files), unless i am not aware of the compexity of the code changes.

    Of course this would need to be discussed with the community first, to see if other players are interested in having such "feature". Right now I am asking for your opinion from the development point of view.


  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.