New Zbag Addon
- Shino
- Closed
polish client, I mark buttons which do not work it this patched addon.
of course I get additional space but without item shop pack or transmutator it is not ever worth it.
Try moving the Bagpack window, most of the time the windows are stuck BEHIND the bag. For me, it was because of the big size of the bagpack. If this wont help, msg me again (whereever you want)
i changed the prio of the window, which means that the Bagpack will always be in the front of everything, including new windows (itemshop bag or arcane transmutor) and actionbars or other addons aswell (so stuff wont be in the way when you search for something). I will probably change it and re-upload it
There are still issues, that im currently working on. If you find others just post them in this thread, i will later reupload a new file
- Cant move items from the new slots into the bankShould work properly now, if the error still happens, pm me- BagSearch field is hidden behind the bagframeAlways aviable to use- Itemshop/Arcane transmutor/garbage bin are hidden behind the bagframeAlign on the topleft of your bagpackFixed OnEvent Handler error
The file at the top of this thread will be re-uploaded
i just test it and it seems to be ok.
can you fix borders of cells in bank, IS bag? they are bigger than in normal bag. I think should be the same.
and there is something strange when I open bank - single red cell near my character face.
hi Shino , Bank 6 is still missing??(zBag)
I could add options to the IS bank so that these lines can be turned off just like in a regular bank
is there a option without zBank ? and without the quick selling button ? (sold my whole backpack and not only the items with are in the fiter)
Closed the thread.