I would like it if we could get the 75 badges for 100 mems back Or possibly taking the wait period off after leaving guild. Before it was a good grind to get ironbloodwill from badges. Now it'll take over 200 days from the point i am at by just being able to get 13 badges a day and only 25 for a mem turn in. If something can be fixed that would be great.
Badges of Trial
The argument that it is a gift and normally it would only be available in sw is not realy valid. Without having the chance to get a good amount of badges for the mementos for the titles and the tier 6 items from guild shop it just reduces the attractivity of playing since it reduces the tedious process of getting the titles and gearing up.
Or possibly taking the wait period off after leaving guild.
This is something that is not possible to do intentionally.
"The argument that it is a gift and normally it would only be available in sw is not realy valid." ... " nearly any sw's are done."
We understand that siege does not happen very much here which is why the opportunity to trade mem -> badges is presented.
Please also consider that it is luxury that could have been completely removed and/or replaced by something else; but now you just have to farm a little more for such a powerful title that would take much more time on any other server.
With that being said... We appreciate your feedback and I will make sure that it is forwarded. -
the issue for me is im new so for what im collecting is that for over 9 months you could get 75 badges and everyone on server that still plays has ironbloodwill and for someone new like me i have not had enough time and now im lacking and gonna have to take way more time to get. I understand it is a privilege but you will leave many new players in the dust because on official it has taken some over 2 years to get that title and thats sieging everyday and winning every single siege.
As we briefly discussed in game:
If it is 90.000 mementos to get IBW then that is approx 200 Grotto mem spams.
Doing 3-4 of these spams per day would give you IBW in a little over 2 months.
This is extremely fast compared to if you were to siege and win on a nightly basis. -
yes would work and not be to bad but will be hard to find people to run that ini seeing i cannot solo i believe but ill try to figure something out sorry for inconvenience
To be exact, you need 4959 badges till you get iron blood. When you get 25 badges for 1k mems you need 198,36k mems just to get iron blood when you don't grade your equipment.
I believe in this specific case we were talking about 90.000 being the remaining mems for xenoo to get their Iron Blood title.
If you figure 200.000 mems are needed to get IBW from the start; that is approx 445 Grotto H spams.
Do 4 mento spams per day in GohH and it would take approx 3.5 - 4 months to obtain IBW compared to 2+ years of siege. That is if you win every SW and are able to siege every single night?On a side note... I have yet to see anyone provide a constructive suggestion in game or on the forums in regards to this topic.
i can say no one is willing to help me do 4-5 GoH runs per day but one suggestion is return guild leave cooldown to 0 you said impossible but it was how it was for years so im not sure why its not possible or increase mems in an instance thats easily soloable or somewhat easy to solo. return the 25mems back to 75. maybe give ironbloodwill title away to people thats mostly what im after that and Soldiers attack and maybe rock guardian. You could also maybe have an event where you can earn mems or badges not sure what type of an event but something. Maybe something also where if you do 10 GoH hm or any Hm inistance past idk KBN 10 times you get a 5k mem or 10k mem bonus. I will try to think of other suggestions if thats what you would need?
side note 3,051 is exact amount of badges i need which is actually 122,040 mems needed
On a side note... I have yet to see anyone provide a constructive suggestion in game or on the forums in regards to this topic.
How about changing the exchange of mems->badges to honour->badges. Both of them have to do with pvp so it is not so far off. Since atm you can get 1,5k honour for 500 mems and 25 badges for 1k mems, you can do 3k honour for 25 badges. That would mean you can still get 25 badges for 1k mems (since the exchange npcs are not limited and you just have to klick a few times more), ppl doing sw get a bit honour and can change more and when upgrading guild training ground you can get more honour a day so ppl will need more guild mats in promo/out of promo so more dias are spend and maybe bought, so it is a win-win situation. Constructive enough?
Thank you for these suggestions.
They will be reviewed and taken into consideration with the rest of the team!
~ Thor -
I believe Badge of Trial should be removed from npc. It would motivate people to sign up for Siege war. There is no purpose to do SW anymore, and I think that server should focus little on PvP also rather than all PvE. However, I do recommend increasing badge of trial you get from SW if you were to remove it from npc.
-Scream|antiDevil -
I believe Badge of Trial should be removed from npc. It would motivate people to sign up for Siege war. There is no purpose to do SW anymore, and I think that server should focus little on PvP also rather than all PvE. However, I do recommend increasing badge of trial you get from SW if you were to remove it from npc.
-Scream|antiDevilThe problem is you don't have the players on server to do enough good SWs. When you remove badges from NPCs you just end up having no SW skills for new players at all. And PvP is not only SW you can also do 1v1, 3v3 arena etc. and in there and in SW you get honour points that you could exchange for some badges with my proposal. And let me tell you a story from official server about getting badges from SW: there are a lot of alt guilds in low point area that just put some alts in sw and wait till the time is up and both sides get badges and honour points from the draw. I don't think that this is what you would want do you?
The problem is you don't have the players on server to do enough good SWs. When you remove badges from NPCs you just end up having no SW skills for new players at all. And PvP is not only SW you can also do 1v1, 3v3 arena etc. and in there and in SW you get honour points that you could exchange for some badges with my proposal. And let me tell you a story from official server about getting badges from SW: there are a lot of alt guilds in low point area that just put some alts in sw and wait till the time is up and both sides get badges and honour points from the draw. I don't think that this is what you would want do you?
I understand that, but if we get more people from patch 9.0 we can probably do that and it would be great, people will start doing SW. I see couple of guilds doing SW but if we get more people we can get more SW. There will be low chance for people who does alt guild to get paired up with them. Talking about 1v1, 3v3 arena, it gives honor point which is no use for me or most of the people. It would be great if they started giving something useful, which will motivate people to start joining. *Make change that motivates players to do
Scream|antiDevil -
i like gjiaras idea itll bring more to sw and arena, itll give a good reason to do drill grounds. Itll be an effective way to farm mems for what ever use but still take some time. All of which you can do solo or as a group.
The problem is you don't have the players on server to do enough good SWs. When you remove badges from NPCs you just end up having no SW skills for new players at all. And PvP is not only SW you can also do 1v1, 3v3 arena etc. and in there and in SW you get honour points that you could exchange for some badges with my proposal. And let me tell you a story from official server about getting badges from SW: there are a lot of alt guilds in low point area that just put some alts in sw and wait till the time is up and both sides get badges and honour points from the draw. I don't think that this is what you would want do you?
I understand that, but if we get more people from patch 9.0 we can probably do that and it would be great, people will start doing SW. I see couple of guilds doing SW but if we get more people we can get more SW. There will be low chance for people who does alt guild to get paired up with them. Talking about 1v1, 3v3 arena, it gives honor point which is no use for me or most of the people. It would be great if they started giving something useful, which will motivate people to start joining. *Make change that motivates players to do
Scream|antiDevilWell even if more ppl come it will at most raise the quantity of SWs but not the quality. When ppl don't want to do SW then they just don't want to. You have to work on motivating them to actually do a real SW that is more then just a way to get badges. Another problem is that the ppl come from around the world so it is hard to get a time where everyone from a guild can play.
i like gjiaras idea itll bring more to sw and arena, itll give a good reason to do drill grounds. Itll be an effective way to farm mems for what ever use but still take some time. All of which you can do solo or as a group.
A toons of alts & farm. It cant be simple repeatable, any idea about restrictions?Exchange for honor points
Since reset drillground tickets are on IS (10dias/ticket/~1500 honor points) there are two ways:
- delete tickets permanently or change price
- exchange 15000 honor points for 30 merits (or similar equivalent in Ancient Mementos)And generally im not sure if all of you care about titles, i see also some other interests for what badges are exchanged actually.
i like gjiaras idea itll bring more to sw and arena, itll give a good reason to do drill grounds. Itll be an effective way to farm mems for what ever use but still take some time. All of which you can do solo or as a group.
A toons of alts & farm. It cant be simple repeatable, any idea about restrictions?Exchange for honor points
Since reset drillground tickets are on IS (10dias/ticket/~1500 honor points) there are two ways:
- delete tickets permanently or change price
- exchange 15000 honor points for 30 merits (or similar equivalent in Ancient Mementos)And generally im not sure if all of you care about titles, i see also some other interests for what badges are exchanged actually.
Well, titles are mainly for the new players, but after you have them they will not be needed for titles. As for me I already have the titles so I am using my badges to buy clean T6 items from guild honour shop and other ppl buy the dirty T6 items where stats can be obtained.
I also thought about the problem with the repeat tickets from the shop and how about this: delete them from permanent offer and only put them up as speacial promotion sometimes and maybe add some to VIP bonus. Without the reset ticket you could still exchange once a day for 3k honour when doing the guild minigames.
Anything new?
I think the initial question was to get "back 75 badges for 100 mems"
We never gave out those amount of badges for 100 mems.
We lowered the amount from 75 to 25, the amount of mementos remained the same.This has been done on purpose especially to motivate you to do siege wars again, final answer:
We won't change that back anymore.You can get so many free gifts everyday, you should not yell at us for more and more.
I am asking about the point that got discussed last in this thread, not the initial one. Pls only answer in a thread if you read it whole. Ty
Pls only answer in a thread if you read it whole. Ty
Please do not ever act towards a staff member with disrespect/rudeness such as this. Ty
This has been done on purpose especially to motivate you to do siege wars again, final answer:
We won't change that back anymore.It was answered here that it will not be changed. Siege war rewards were recently updated so you can obtain more badges of trial.
The siege reward update info is here: Patch Notes 9.0.0 - The Return of Pakal
The Siege War Badge rewards have been adjusted.
The Winners side:
First 10 winners - 30 badges
Next 10 winners - 20 badges
Next 10 winners - 15 badgesThe Losing side:
First 10 lose - 12 badges
Next 10 lose - 8 badges
Next 10 lose - 6 badges -
Hello, I did not get rude yet. I mearly wish that before answering, the ppl read this one page before only summarizing the first few posts. Because I feel not taken serious when that happens and if I want that I can just play on official
It was said that it will not be changed "back" but in this thread was also the invitation to provide constructive suggestions, what I did. After that int was talking about some possibilities regarding the honour->badges suggestion. I made a suggestion regarding this and after a month I asked if there are any news regarding this.
Since I believe that the suggestion should be discussed in a month time you may provide the conclusion regarding this suggestion and why it will be implemented or not. Just a "never ever" would not be enough here since there were already possibilities considered regarding this from the arcadia team.