Mail system upgrade

  • I noticed that COA and .Playernet has integrated some features of mods into their base game. The Auction House mod I used previously has been fully integrated into the base game. LOVE THAT!!! The one thing that this game could use an upgrade of is the mailbox and mailing/receiving items. I have used (and currently have installed) the addon UltimateMailMod_2014 so I can send more than one item at a time without having to drag and drop items into the mailbox multiple times. The addon UltimateMailMod_2014 also allows the player to "open all" without having to go through each individual message and take items or gold one by one. This would be a huge quality of life upgrade for this game. Back in the days of ROM, that was the one thing I absolutely hated about the game is the mail system. In other games I play too, often these small quality of life additions make the game much more enjoyable. I remember when WoW limited the items you could send in the mail too and when they allowed I think its 12 items to be mailed in a single message, people rejoiced. Might want to consider this sort of thing for COA.

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  • Great idea and thanks for looking into that!

    While you are at it, maybe you will consider adding possiblity to send items via mail not only for gold as payment, but also for diamonds and maybe even rubies, this would make trading in this game even easier than it is right now.

    Though I don't know if a function like that might have any negative consequences for currencies and economics.


    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • if u put 1 gold for the dia price u sold someting to someone. or if u send item per mail with the dia price makes no differnence. Only 1 thing why it would be nice u dont have anymore the risk to get scammt by someone if u do item for dia price sell. By mail if u do the 1 gold thing u still have a small risk to get scammt. so +1 for Melodic.

  • I think its a bad idea to send things by mail for diamonds. It will give scammers the possibility to trade diamonds for real money and withdraw cash from the game. For example,i can send smb 1 trash thing for 300k diamonds and then receive the real money for that. It will be hard to track every operations of all gamers in RoM. No diamonds by mail!)

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