Dear Dev Team, I think that a lot of players will agree with my mind, we need remove blacklist limit. This trash talk in world chat interfere with the gameplay. We are playing for relaxing but we must watching this...
Best Regards, Knight

Blacklist limit
- Akitu
- Closed
Hello Akitu,
At the moment we don't plan increasing built-in Blacklist limit. Alternatively you can download and use Ultimate Blacklist addon.
Approved the thread. -
Hello Cathy,
Topic was raised as 50 slots were already full
Increasing it over 50 need much more effort.
Guess my work is done, as you work finally now.
Hello Akitu,
As 15min of work is way to much for our busy devlopers here you got a version with 50 slots.
Unfortunately those files you shared with us has nothing to do ingame as they are abandoned codes and not even executing at any time. Current blacklist frame has nothing about list limit as of being closed source game function.
Hello Byte,
that is absolutely right, I could have just uploaded a empty file instead of a makro manipulated
All i wanted:
Topic was raised as 50 slots were already full
Increasing it over 50 need much more effort.
What about the new instance?
need much more effort.
that should be enough effort
Moved the thread from forum Suggestions, Feedback to forum Suggestions. -
Closed the thread. -
Moved the thread from forum Suggestions to forum Declined Suggestions.