English main language in world chat

  • Cheers CoA Community,

    as I've seen the past couple of days there has been very much content in world chat in russian language.

    I'm pretty sure most of the community doesn't speak russian or other languages for example polish, spanish or german.

    That's why I here now make the suggestion to keep the world chat english only.

    Even GM's communicate in a non understandable language which is not player friendly for communites from other countries

    I hope the community can discuss this :)



    • Official Post

    After discussing with our Team we decided to keep the current state.

    There will not be a rule that prohibit usage of native language on world chat.

    For everyone who would like to read chat in other languages we prepared dedicated page where world chat can be viewed in your browser and therefore easily translated.

    Chat is updated with every message, include GM colors, web links detection and allow to view some of items on rom-welten database.

    Chronicles of Arcadia - World Chat

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    Approved the thread.
  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.