IS Price adjustments for DQ tickets and Arcane Charges

    • Official Post


    It has been noticed that the current pricing of charges for tokens wasn't performing very well for the server economy.

    Players were able to obtain significantly more charges by purchasing DQ tickets, and using tokens to buy charges.

    We are aware that offering IS items with tokens is an important F2P function, but this has caused a large influx of gold being added to the server.

    Instead of removing them from token shop, we decided to start with adjustments to prices.

    Initially charges price in token shop was increased, but this didn't fare well with community feedback, so we decided to make some more adjustments.

    After further discussion we decided to perform following adjustments:

    Decrease prices of 100 Charges with tokens and diamonds.

    Increasing pricing of DQ tickets with diamonds.

    As addition, to compensate DQ price increasing, Dual-Function Daily Quest Potion price will be reduced.