Rocharox's ultimate guide to Priest (not really)

  • Rocharox’s
    Ultimate guide to Priest.

    Hello again! Welcome back.

    In this new entry in out informative pieces of text, today we will be talking about the Priest.

    Ah! The priest! The class everyone seems to remember when dying for some unknown reason.

    This is the class everyone loves, but no one can play! Playing a priest requires good reflexes, intelligent thinking, skill and luck (mostly luck). That is why most of the best Priest players are female.

    Here a lvl 50 priest ready for runs:

    Indispensable for any Instance runs, priests make the game more enjoyable by “trying” to prevent everyone from dying and, in the end, taking the blame for other people lack of skills.

    Knowing the harsh environment of Taborea, the game packed the priest with very useful healing skills, like Botox injection, field boob-job or free Xanax. Here’s a priest effetely healing a hurt player:

    As with Mage, we can categorize the people who play Priest in 3 separate groups:

    1 – God-tier Healers

    These are the basic of any successful run. Healers who heal for triple your hp, are quick to react and control their mana like a pro. These people are the force that keeps a group united even in the face of a giant spider, dead cyclops from the beyond or a huge Minotaur with bad attitude. For some reason, very few of these priests are male.

    DontTouchtheHair: Ok guys, Thynos hit like a truck, so be careful.
    5 minutes into the fight
    DontTouchtheHair: Wow, we are all alive! Our hp bars are barely moving!
    MichaelBayjr: This priest is really good! She is keeping up with all his attacks
    ImNOTYourBabe: Please, this boss is harmless, not even using half my skills… (Filthy casuals)

    2 – Grilfriends(boyfriends) or people forced to play

    Sometimes people find a game to play and end up loving it, but how to bring your QT3.14 girlfriend who don’t really dig that whole “slaughtering of npcs” into the fun? Well, your problems are OVER!!! We present you the pocket healer! The priest who plays to heal someone else from a close distance.
    Pocket Healers can be guys too, but those are very rare.

    Also we can put in here the people who were coerced into playing runes of magic by their so called “friends”. They are also forced to pick the class no one else could master.

    RockywithAxes: Ok, need rebuffs

    Sneaky: We are talking with you, priest.
    Marcus113: Oh, yes, 1 second. Which one is the buff again?
    RockywithAxes: Enhanced attack and Grace of Life
    Marcus113: Ah… ok, and, what does the icon look like?

    Sneaky: just look for the name.
    Marcus113: These icons look the same to me… Sure you guys don’t want to play My Little pony: World of Caos? It’s also MMO!
    Sneaky: Dude! That’s why we don’t hang out with you…

    3 – Kick him.

    Runes of magic got this sadistic pleasure in seeing us being stabbed, frozen, cut, burned, strangled or killed (and all of the above at once too). That pleasure is increased Over 9000 when one of the “Kick HIM” tier Priest join a party!

    These are the clueless people who refuse to play their class well or don’t have the right skills or brain to do it.
    “Kick Him” priests got a nack for doing damage, never put any point in Increase Attack since it dosen’t help with magic, have group heal at lvl 1 and love the color Red.
    Most “Kick him” priests are male.

    ShieldBearer: Rebuffs
    LetYouDie: You are buffed.
    ShieldBearer: we only got your weak Grace of life, and now the number of mobs will increase a lot.
    LetYouDie: I don’t buff attack, it’s useless. Here is Grace of Life again.
    ArrowTotheKnee: Hey, this guy is not healing us at all!
    LetYouDie: Yes, I saw you guys staying alive with pots so I started to do some damage
    All party members: KICK HIM!

    You will be seeying this a lot:

    One great disadvantage (Another one??) of playing priest is that very few of your skills do good damage, increasing the time you take to lvl up to twice the amount other classes take:

    So, if you are a crazy person who loves the pain of having other people QQ on you all the time? Do puppies seem cute beyond imagination to you? Do you have a boyfriend who loves to bring you places you didn’t even know existed before? Then the priest is made for you!

    Insomnia Server

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