Client Issues

    • Official Post

    Hello Kuhsamabinfladen,

    We are aware about these issues, and know what may cause them, anyway before we fix it, it would be helpful if you could provide us some more information how we could reproduce them. For example when going near certain NPC in some zone or similar.


  • Its very hard to tell when this issues happens.

    For example:

    1. when i start boss countdown after 5 seconds (during i use some buffs and cds) game closes.

    2. game closes at bosses when something happens, for example inferno first and last boss when adds spawn.

    3. during loading screen while porting.

    4. looting a mop in mirror world instance.


    • Official Post

    How often do you used to get this issue daily?

    Then it happens only during moving and not when staying in one place?

    Is it make difference if you play long since game client started or do it happens even after 5 minutes from when you started?

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.