Best In-Slot-Gear and where to get it

  • Hey,

    I've been playing as W/M here on CoA and M/W back in the days of original RoM.

    I'd like to be able to get to a competitive level play as in being able to run most if not all of the instances. I understand that it takes time and my slowly leveling 80/80 W/M (and M/W as I plan to play as both) will need to grind a lot and possibly spend a little but to do so I need some clear targets to aim for. Gear targets that is.

    So, after this insanely and needlessly long explanation this is my question:

    What are the best in-slot items (weapons, armor and jewelry) and where to get them for both W/M and also M/W. I understand that both wear cloth now but it seems unlikely that both would use exactly the same gear. If they do - even better, saves me time and work. :) If there are 2nd best I wouldn't mind learning about those either as the road to top gear is no doubtfully difficult and time-consuming.

    If any of you kind souls have the necessary knowledge and wouldn't mind sharing it here with me (and others interested), I would be forever grateful! :) Edit: just to clarify I'm talking end game gear.

    Ps. It's great to be back in RoM after soooo many years. It seems it's the only MMO I can find myself in and enjoy it thoroughly.