Would like to see harder versions of inis like 'Cave of the water dragon' and 'Lair of the Demon Dragon' with the new useful crafting recipes gear/acessories , and also would be nice to add a common gear set to everyone who enter siege zone to make battle balanced, and a reward must be more useful, like a new siege currency that could be spent for new things like a new gear runes (% red. dmg from players/mobs maybe or +all parameters) or could be traded to pve currencies like arcadia coins

Board Event - One Day a Developer
- Nadaná
- Closed
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
If I was a developer for one day and had the skills to do it, I would try to
- make the game run more stable
- increase the mailbox size to more than 300 and make sure it doesnt overheat after 60+ items have been sent
- make older low level instances scalable to player level so that all the great content is still available and viable at a higher level. Because it would be too much of an effort to introduce new items for all level ranges, I would reward players with currencies such as Mementos and Arcadia coins if they run an instance above its original level.
- introduce a hard to diamond mode (like RT) to more instances
- make currencies tradable
- have general relationship system for players that acknowledges common achievements as party members
- have community rewards system where I can give a thumbs up to a random stranger who helped me out
- create an arcane transmutor that can melt stacks at a time
- create more bank space, that is purchasable for diamonds
- increase the stacksize of crafting runes and some potions
- introduce furnitures that improve processing speed
That's it for the moment. Only so much I can do within a day
if was a developer for one day i will try to make most classes be balanced
. add a 6 man instance
. when crashing in 12 man raid u wont be kicked out and spawn back where u were
. can transume more than 5 cenedril matts
. delete dalanis and make a proper map xD
1. In many dungeons and many mobs there are no cards, you need to add them to the possibilities, ideally in every mob in the game. Many have already been sharpened and they have nothing to do, and they collect cards for such players and there will be something to do.
2. It is necessary to make the matalines interesting again, add new stats for malateen shells, this will be useful for beginners.
3. A very important point, PvP is impossible to play normally, 1 hit and a corpse, you need to cut the damage on the games many times.
4. It is necessary to replace PvP sets with new 104 ones, and it is desirable to add PvP runes There is no set of equipment in the PvP budget, you need to make a set.
5. Enter the subject for training weapons that can be put into the house or castle of the guild. -
If I was a developer for a day,
- I'd create more things to spend diamonds on it, no matter how those are useful, just satisfy consumer should be enough
- I'd create more areas that players could do things alone (ex: weapon levelling area xD)
- I'd add more getting stat possibility to old instances (tikal,inferno), like dropping fragments all over taborea with small chance(10% of regular card drop rate, maybe) that you can trade for stat later without any fee
- I'd make GMs play as player in game, instead of just waiting for questions and doing background work, then I may have an idea about how current state of gameplay is, at that moment, or at least would spy people randomly, especially guild chats to get idea about how current gameplay is, because guild chats usually having good ideas/complainings that you never could see on forum suggestions xD
- And last, would make a wiki page for Chronicles of Arcadia that has all informations about custom content, like lore of instances/bosses etc.
- forgot to add: i'd remove warrior/mage from game
if i was a dev i would bring wing of space back in IS
Hello Arcadians,
first of all - thanks to all player who participated in the Event and made it great. We gathered a lot of nice Imaginations and Ideas to think about.
All Imaginations and Ideas were nice and i am happy to annouce a Winner -> Kalypso
The Winner already received the 80k Diamonds
Thanks also to Dimebad and Thor for adding some Diamonds to the pot
The Event is over and the Thread can be closed.
Closed the thread.