Which class should i choose?

  • Hey everyone,

    I recently found this game through the steam and am stuck in the character creation screen. I did some homework and noticed the multi class system and instantly wanted to be like a physical/magic character. I found a few combos that match my interest being, a mage/warden, warrior/mage and a knight/mage. I'm just trying to find the basics of them to kinda help me go in the right direction. Any and all advice is helpful! :!:

    Forgot to mention, but looking for the class combo with a good survivability solo, and can be helpful in a group later down the line in levels.

  • If you want to build physical and magical character take a note that you need 2 EQ sets for such.
    It could be valuable to choose Warden/Warrior (physical) and Warrior/Mage (magical).

    In comparision with other publishers, on Arcadia you do not need to really bother with decision.
    You can change your race in any time, and pickup all possible combinations in future :thumbup:

  • Oh ok, So im basically using all of them in one and I have so many options to choose from! I like that a lot! So it seems I would basically have a set of tank gear and just dps gear. then statting it will be another nightmare for later haha, wouldn't want to bombard you with questions. Gotta learn some myself!

    Ide probably stick with 3 for a long time, until I get good with the combos I have.

    But last question. I see a thing called TP farming in a lot of places, is that a common problem around the midgame? or end game? if mid how could I go about not running into that issue.

  • You can use two classes in same time (main and subclass) and benefit of elite skills.
    Here you can change your race in any time, so you never will be limited to specific classes.

    TP are required to level up your skills.
    We have here TP rate multiplier (you need 10x less to level up your skills) so it should not be a issue.
    Most of TP you are obtaining from regular quests, and daily quests - just make them regullary.

  • Ok ok ok, I see, I read and I like! So sounds like ill level the mage/warden first! Warrior after I learn that one!
    Awesome! Thanks for the advice! had to make notes so I don't mess up my character haha

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