TP/Gold rate

  • Hello everyone, I just wanted to ask what happened to the TP and Gold rate? It used to be x10 for both but now they are at x1. It makes skill ups much harder to achieve to the reasonable values while leveling and when leveled up (hence we have x10 XP). And I remember when with x10 Gold it was nice to complete quests to get gold to dirty tier stuff and buy diamonds, but now it is much more problematic. I'm not angry or whining, just asking is it okay and if it is okay what is the reasoning?

    • Official Post

    Gold rate has been decreased in a steps.
    The reason was that with every new zone, you was able to obtain more gold from daily quests, and it was profitable to make a dailies, exchange gold to diamonds, buy tickets and repeat this endless. In the same time it had influence on gold - diamonds market, and the pricing reached over 1kk for 1 diamond, what definitly doesnt looked good for newcomers from other servers.

    TP rate is normal, but you need 10x less talent points to level up your skills, we did it due to TP limit on 2.1kkk for class.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.