Light's Melody Title from Spring Festival

  • Im having a trouble obtaining this title... Acording to the guide, when you do the Chicken Game activity (NPC is Angela Bix at Varanas Gates), when you get eggs from chickens there is a small chance to obtain an extra egg called Sublime Gleaming Chicken Egg (Item's ID is 241218 ) which when delivered awards you with that title. The problem is that I spammed the event 60+ times and did so last year too but no luck :( Is there a problem with this event or its just that item's droprate is so low? Does this droprate depend on party or buffs or anything? I really would love that title, it is a healer one :(

    • Official Post

    Item and title was already obtained during current event.
    Chance of obtaining Sublime Gleaming Chicken Egg is low.
    You need to have "Omnipresence" title before you will be able to get this egg.

    For obtain "Omnipresence" you need to have following eggs in your backpack :
    Sublime Fire Dance Chicken Egg
    Sublime Windshade Chicken Egg
    Sublime Bubbling Water Chicken Egg
    Sublime Earth Shadow Chicken Egg

    with them you can see additional dialog option:
    "It seems like Angela Bix still has words to exchange with you..."
    which you have to click.