House Maiden Event

  • Dear Dev's and GMs

    I heard that in the past there were some mini-events where people could buy their House Maidens with all their stats up to 100 and maxed out.
    Repeating an event like that in the next few days/weeks would be awesome, because im tired of lvling all 6 maidens with multiple chars and since u changed the Gold-Diamond-ratio with last patch, it is even harder to pay them so that they talk more often with me... :D

    I bet lots of other new players and those who created new characters in the last months would profit a lot from this - leave a comment if you support this suggestion or have anything to add. 8)

    Best regards from a quite new and highly motivated Arcadian! :thumbup:

    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • Hello melodic!

    on some occasions they puy up an event were if you buy the house maids during the event they all have their skills max to lvl 100. so i would suggest you wait until the event happens. when it dose and you are not aware of it ill shoot you a Dm ingame :D

    Ingame name: Jadaswift

    Class: wd/d/w: 104/63/70


    Sever: Paradise (The best place to be!)