Warden: Item Set Skill Revamp and Balancing

    • Official Post

    Item Set Skill Revamp and Balancing

    This dedicated sub-thread is for suggestions and feedback on the Lv 75+ Item set skills; it is not intended for discussion or debates on other players suggestions or the current state of Item Set Skills.

    All posts within this threads must follow this format or they will be removed:

    Skill Name:
    ISS Level:
    Suggested changes:
    Reasoning for these changes:

  • Thanks for the opportunity to share concerns! I would also appreciate if changes do not touch balancing hard, but i think a few changes would not be bad:

    Skill Name: Beast Punishment

    ISS Level: 75

    Suggested changes: Remove casttime, set damage to 660% (should be the same amount as now)

    Reasoning for these changes: Its an in-line AOE, hitting all enemies between caster
    and target. And that’s the main problem, enemy movements after starting the
    cast cannot be compensated, the chance to hit only one target is quite high,
    but as the damage is a lot lower than of charged chop, targeting should not
    that difficult

    Other: 1. recurrent skill of 6 by 7 new skills! The warden could really need
    another damageskill, but at current status this one is not worth extraction

    Skill Name: Shadow of the Mist

    ISS Level: 80

    Suggested changes: none, not the best skill but at least it might help a
    warden/warrior DD not to pull aggro (I don’t think other warden combinations do
    need this skill)

    Reasoning for these changes: -

    Other: 2. recurrent skill of 6 by 7 new skills!

    Skill Name: Chaos of Greed

    ISS Level: 85

    Suggested changes: remove binding to oak walker, increase range to 200

    Reasoning for these changes: as a lot of wardens’ setskills, this one only
    works with or on a summoned pet. Would be okay, as the warden will always play
    with one (there are a few bosses where a pet is obstructive) but using the oak
    walker is not useful for most combinations. Why increasing the range? Because
    wardens pets are damned slow and chiron is even a ranged DD

    Other: 3. recurrent skill of 6 by 7 new skills!

    Skill Name: Unbridled Will

    ISS Level: 90

    Suggested changes: totally rework this one and give the warden(/warrior) the
    opportunity to be an at least acceptable tank. Many classes have damage reducing
    setskills, the warden as a melee fighter hasn’t. As druid/wardens briar shield
    can’t be used on a warden that needs his own one, a heal increase or lp
    increase - stronger than that of “protection of nature” - would be also nice

    Reasoning for these changes: it is totally useless. Most times, pets are not
    infected by stunning or fearing debuffs, and if they are – no one cares.
    Pulling mobs with spirit of the oak and debuffing any disable could be an
    application for this skill (but it can't debuff, need to be activated to prevent) if you are tanking, but actually there are a lot
    more details missing for warden tank AND 10sec with cd of 60 sec, not useful if
    you need to pull through an instance

    Other: 4. recurrent skill of 6 by 7 new skills!

    Skill Name: Assault of the Animal Spirit

    ISS Level: 95

    Suggested changes: couldn’t test up to now, but sounds nice

    Reasoning for these changes: none, except:

    Other: 5. recurrent skill of 6 by 7 new skills!

    Skill Name: Echo Effect

    ISS Level: 98

    Suggested changes: give damage reduction to pet and warden and let it last a
    lot longer (maybe 5 min?) or totally reword this one

    Reasoning for these changes: another remake, another
    pet buff that does not strengthen the warden at all. It might be good for
    pulling with pet if you are tanking, but well, just relevant for one warden
    combination and even for this one not really usefull, why? Because no pet can
    do enough aggro for tanking, after pulling the warden needs to take the targets

    Other: 6. recurrent skill of 6 by 7 new skills!

    Skill Name: Nervous Tribulations

    ISS Level: 99

    Suggested changes: unbind the effect from pet position or increase effect range

    Reasoning for these changes: pets are slow, hard to
    control their movement

    Other: Wow, first one we haven’t seen before AND:
    first possibility for a warden (well, not rly for warden, more the pet) to
    interrupt if sec class doesn’t offer any interrupting effect

  • Skill Name: Ukaranie Bestii

    ISS Level: 75

    Suggested changes: Dodać agrro i zrobić z niego skill obszarowy

    Reasoning for these changes: Na ten moment strażnik ma tylko 1 skill frontalny który nabija agrro "Ukośne Cięcie" nie ma obszarówki która robi agrro więc trzymać mobki na sobie jest ciężkie zwłaszcza, że mamy do dyspozycji tylko obszarówke bez agrro "dzikie ciernie" odnowa 12sec i "wir" od wojownika odnowa 30sec...

    Skill Name: Cień Mgły

    ISS Level: 80

    Suggested changes: Zamienić zmniejszenie agrro na zwiększenie i to tak minimum 150% tak jak ma rycerz 148,1% i czempion 186,6%.
    Można zrobić z niego skill który się nakłada jak u wyżej wymienionych klas.

    Reasoning for these changes: Strażnik który gra jako dps może wybrać buffka słabszej wersji i jest to wystarczające. Tank natomiast potrzebuje zwiększenia agrro jest najbardziej poszkodowaną klasą tankującą. Tu nawet nie chodzi o bossy bo na bossach jeszcze jakoś daje rade ale użyć takiego buffka przydałoby się na mobkach ze względu na brak aoe które zrobią wystarczające agrro.

    Skill Name: Nieokiełznana Wola

    ISS Level: 90

    Suggested changes: Powoduje, że po stracie feniksa duch dębu nie pada.

    Reasoning for these changes: Skill w obecnej formie jest bezużyteczny i nie używany proponuje by w końcu naprawić ten dziwny błąd bo inaczej tego się nie da nazwać, że po stracie feniksa pet pada i tank traci główny buff do deffa w trakcie bicia bossa jest to bardzo ryzykowne zwłaszcza, że pojaiwają się bossy przy których ciężko jeszcze raz przywołać go. (Patrz Loki).

    Other: Reszta skilli wydaje się w porządku w mojej opinii.

  • ISS Level 75 "Beast Punishment"

    Suggested changes: Remove casttime

    Reasoning for these changes: Then it would be an alternative to cross chop, now it is not usefull.

    ISS Level 90 "Unbridled Will"

    Suggested changes: Give the warden a setskill that increases his damage (maybe 10% for 20 sec)

    Reasoning for these changes: I can't imagine any situation where it is usefull, that the pet is immun to helpless. Instead the warden needs a damage increase to compete with other classes. While other classes profited of the new setskills the warden got no damage or patk increase and has difficulties to compete in higher instances.

  • Skill Name: Assault of the Animal Spirit

    ISS Level: 95

    Suggested changes: would you plz check this spell? there is a high chance (at least on training course) that absolutely no effect triggers (but seems like there is a very very small chance that both effects triggers simultaneously).

    Reasoning for these changes: should better work as intended, i would also suggest, if not intended, that both effects can trigger once within 25 sec, i think this is how the old skill works

  • I might have a solution for the MEELE-DD problem

    The Meele classes are nearly impossible to
    play in the current instances of the game in comparrison to their ranged
    counterparts. Granting the meele-classes a form of anti-fear/anti-stunn -some
    kind of immunity or just a reduction- should help to make them competitive

    Ex.: Attacking the trash in Inferno results in
    an instant stun followed up by no dps-output or an instant death.

    Creating a set-skill for this kind of problem
    would reduce the amount of pdd-scout-only-groups and enable the player
    community to play much loved classes like Warrior, Rogue and Warden.

    A Reference for this kind of skill could be
    the knight and champion which already own one.

    Old ItemSetSkill:
    Skillname: unrestrained (I don´t know the skillname in english xD)
    Skilllevel: 90

    Skillname: Defiance of nature
    Description: Immune to Helpless, Stun, Root and SLow for 15 Seconds.
    Duration: 15 seconds.
    Cooldown: 90 seconds.
    Cost: 10% mana

    We put a lot of energy and thoughts into these ideas and would be happy to hear positive critism