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Patch - Korris - Feedback
- Khira
- Closed
I like pretty much everything this patch but the change to the drop rate is irritating and I would like it changed back to how it was before.
Heyo guys. Im glad we finally can see the new map. Bad side, the drop rate. Any way we can get the drop rate as we used to have before? Now it doesnt seem like that x7 the patch notes say, its literally 0. Need permanently honor group, 2 loot runes, varanas buff, house buff, rubies pot, muffin lucky food.... and still we cant get 2 green and 2 blue in the new ini.
Drop rate is indeed set to x7 right now, before this value was wrong.
It caused that most of unique items was obtainable definitely too easy and in huge amounts.Be aware that with such amount of buffs you can exceed maximum limit of drop rate value.
I took as example Ice Blade Guard (109206, IBP easy mode) and killed him 100 times received following loot:
no Drop buffs
3x blue items, 6x green itemshousemaid potion (75%) and Luck Potion (100%):
6x blue items, 14x green itemsIt still looks fine and require some effort to obtain them.
With killing him 100 times with housemaid potion (75%) and Luck Potion (100%):
6x blue items, 14x green itemsHey, fully buffed you are supossed to get 2 green and 2 blue per mob. If you kill it 100 times that mean you should have 200 green and 200 blue... I did some tests changing the luck in new instance.
540% = 200 green, 80 blue
660% = 200 green 100 blue
785% = 200 green, 150 blueApparently the luck cap you talk about is much higher than in any other instance but even with 785% luck I cant get all the items I should. Isn't now just too low?
Divine Magic Stone has no description but it restore 4k mp then 200 every 2 sec
If i am correct as on that other server where i am from, the drop rate percentage cap is 499%, and then it goes back to the minimum. So you really gotta be careful not to exceed the cap, could a GM confirm max % cap for drop rate please tyvm
Clear Thought and Family Ties can now be applied simultaneously
Thank You -
I understand drop rate changes were implemented because rare items were dropping to frequently or something along those lines but now tier stone making is a lot harder. Going into bone peak with lucky target and a party with one person, I could obtain 2 green items and 2 blue items, the blues I would pick up, but now I have gone in and killed 5 mobs and out of all of them, with those same drop rate increases, I have gotten one blue. This is an irritating change and I believe I speak for a large portion of the ARoM community when I say the changes to the drop rates should be reversed.
I understand drop rate changes were implemented because rare items were dropping to frequently or something along those lines but now tier stone making is a lot harder. Going into bone peak with lucky target and a party with one person, I could obtain 2 green items and 2 blue items, the blues I would pick up, but now I have gone in and killed 5 mobs and out of all of them, with those same drop rate increases, I have gotten one blue. This is an irritating change and I believe I speak for a large portion of the ARoM community when I say the changes to the drop rates should be reversed.
You can get more drop rate buffs than this, then it is ok. Just One buff and expecting a lot of drops was too good anyways. Use pets, titles, potions etc.
If people are complaining about drop rate, just go to Korris.
I got at least 1 green per mob killed that makes T6 greens or blues.
Then you get cards, bag stats and i have no issues at all there. -
Die Droprate für Monsterkarten ist sehr sehr schlecht geworden. Ich habe vorhin 45 Minuten für eine einzige Karte gebraucht, mit allen Buff's durch Pet's, Gildenburg, Hausmädchen, Varanas NPC & Rubinshop Glückstrank. Kann das wieder auf die alte Droprate zurück gesetzt werden?
Finde sehr gut, dass die Zone Korris endlich draußen ist (haben ja auch echt lange warten müssen ^^) Die Zone ist sehr ansehnlich und einfach nur cool aufgebaut
Die Instanz "Plateau der Eisklingen" ist auch recht gut gemacht, allerdings finde ich es ein bisschen schade, dass man maximal bis zum 3. Boss kommt (auf leicht) und dann einfach nen One Hit bekommt, egal bei welcher Deff.. Da bestand keinerlei Chance weiter zu gehen um sich den Rest der Ini anzuschauen. Vielleicht wird das ja noch geändert. Das Event bzw. die Events vom ersten und zweiten Boss sind recht verständlich, dennoch ein wenig hart im Leichten Modus
Das war mein Feedback zum derzeit aktuellen Patch
Engelsträne -
Die Droprate für Monsterkarten ist sehr sehr schlecht geworden. Ich habe vorhin 45 Minuten für eine einzige Karte gebraucht, mit allen Buff's durch Pet's, Gildenburg, Hausmädchen, Varanas NPC & Rubinshop Glückstrank. Kann das wieder auf die alte Droprate zurück gesetzt werden? ...
Ich finde die Droprate ok. Man(n)/Frau sollte etwa ab 500% Droprate ausrüsten. Mehr ist besser. Dropcap scheint nimmer zu bestehen. Habe letzte Nacht ca 80% der Karten im neuen Gebiet gefarmt.
Die Droprate für Monsterkarten ist sehr sehr schlecht geworden. Ich habe vorhin 45 Minuten für eine einzige Karte gebraucht, mit allen Buff's durch Pet's, Gildenburg, Hausmädchen, Varanas NPC & Rubinshop Glückstrank. Kann das wieder auf die alte Droprate zurück gesetzt werden? ...
Ich finde die Droprate ok. Man(n)/Frau sollte etwa ab 500% Droprate ausrüsten. Mehr ist besser. Dropcap scheint nimmer zu bestehen. Habe letzte Nacht ca 80% der Karten im neuen Gebiet gefarmt.
Ja gut, aber es stimmt da irgendwas nicht
Es kommt mir jedenfalls so vor, denn die Gruppe an sich nützt beim Karten "farmen" leider auch nichts mehr, wie ich mir hab gestern sagen lassen
-mob(and card) http://www.rom-welten.de/database/view.php?id=771783 is not avaible
-changes in drop-change unnecessary.
Many players play on Paradise because there is better drop, exp, tp, gold.
Moving away from this, the server population may change badly.
To say that the earlier values had a bad effect on unique items I consider to be unfounded.
I still remember GM runs & boss events.Then there was no problem with that?
I would like to know the position of the publisher against possible change in future exp, tp, gold or dias prices.
-changes in drop custom cards on Inferno
-drop items on clean tier 6 in new instance
-Ice Blade Plateau-cool tactics (do not suggeest an instance on another server or youtube)
The New Zone is pretty nice and i was able to do all Quests without Problems.
increase of House storage is also rlly nice
i think the droprate is better then before and i dont mean the decrease from x15 to x7, i mean how it works now. before it was to much for me you just run around without buffs and get nearly the whole loottable and now if you want to farm something you just buff up, use loot runes and your fine.
about iceblades i noticed the events are fixed and works, only the last boss we just tried two times
Droprate from inferno is rlly nice now there i agree with dimebagContra:
i dont like the clean t6 items to farm, because now its a lot easier to tier up your gear like a god. no one need a t12 statted gear, but for the most highendplayer it will be now
ofc the most will say now how you can say this, but well its my opinion hehebut at all they doing well for us
In my opinion, pure t6 from a new instance is a very cool thing, no one has to do eq in t12 if he does not want to
Well if people do it right they can have regular stats + bag stats to learn the higher instances and just T9 or T10 all their gear and T14 their weapon and go get those pinky stats slowly for free
ice blade plateau is not impossible in hard mode. (go to youtube and search runes of magic ibp here you can see some strats for it)
as for to easy to tier up gear....... this sounds to me like someone doesnt want competition at end game level. -
i dont like the clean t6 items to farm, because now its a lot easier to tier up your gear like a god. no one need a t12 statted gear, but for the most highendplayer it will be now
ofc the most will say now how you can say this, but well its my opinion heheWell, it had to come at some point of time. Some patches later you will get clean t6 from npc (white 101+). It is the same as t5 or t4 back then. On the other hand, items get higher base tiers over the time, so you still have the same difference than before.
Btw. I was just looking around the internet. Do we get new SW titles and setskills too?
SW titles IDk though i belive it was the day before someone was linking new skills in world chat
i dont like the clean t6 items to farm, because now its a lot easier to tier up your gear like a god. no one need a t12 statted gear, but for the most highendplayer it will be now
ofc the most will say now how you can say this, but well its my opinion heheWell, it had to come at some point of time. Some patches later you will get clean t6 from npc (white 101+). It is the same as t5 or t4 back then. On the other hand, items get higher base tiers over the time, so you still have the same difference than before.
Btw. I was just looking around the internet. Do we get new SW titles and setskills too?
Drop rate for me is unnecessary change... especially for new players. Old players have most of cards from all zones and didnt have to spend a lot of time to farm some cards (like me today 1.5 hour to farm Fungus, Wolf and Bear cards in Howling Mountains. Ofc with full buff for drop ~ 500% ). Now drop rate and time to get cards is comparable with time and rate on official servers i think :P.
Im saying only about dropping of cards.Greetings
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