P/ch 50 elite Beacon of Regeneration

  • Howdy so the P/ch level 50 elite Beacon of Regeneration seems to have some issues. The heal from this skill caps at 105,035, never crits and it doesn't matter if the skill is leveled to 104 or left at 0 the healed amount will not go past 105,035. By the skill description it doesnt seem like this is correct bc most of the skills in this game that count as a HOT (heal over time) say in description that they "regenerate" or "recover" XXXX points of HP and normal heal descriptions say "restore" XXXX points of HP.

    If you compare this skill to another priest heal like Urgent heal then this beacon should technically be healing for more than urgent heal based off of the amount of points it states the skill heals. Beacon of Regeneration @104 is 1127 points of HP and Urgent Heal @104 is 763 points of HP.

    If you compare Urgent heal vs Heal there is a big difference in the "restores xxxx points of HP" number and Heal restores a lot more HP than Urgent Heal so again Beacon of Regeneration should be healing an amount between Urgent Heal and Heal the way I understand it.

    Issue #2 - Beacon of Regeneration says it uses 487MP + 1% MP but every time you cast a heal with this skill on another player it also deducts -40 rage for no reason.

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