YaCIt - Addon for Monster Cards - Himiko Update
Is this hard to translate this addon? because I think some of my guildmates will want to use it too, but in our language.
Thanks for that.
Thx mate for updating
btw I noticed if I filter by damage or m.dmg it doesnt pull up the draco pet cards that give mdmg/dmg
Can not Fix this problem at the moment, idk why the stat filter dont work correctly :>
Ty for Info.
regards Himiko
Wingsnake General Lireda added to Event Cards.
Regards Himiko
Changed Race + Zone Category:
Thank you Himiko, Good Job!
Danke Himiko
Bester Mann
lg Engel 8)
Very good job,thx Himiko.
Danke fürs updaten Himi
Immer wieder gerne
New Update is on the way :3
Do normal monster cards drop on this server? I just started playing a few days ago and havent got one which is normal since they are semi-rare but the reason i ask is because when i search the auction house(using addon from your website) i only get about 10 results and they are all red colored cards that must be new they have high stats on them that i'm not used to seeing on monster cards.
It does say at bottom of aah that it found 1000 results but after waiting a few min i only see the same 10 cards whenever i search. If they do drop still is there a way to have them show up in the auction house?
Of course they drop even with higher rate than on other publisher servers due to our DROP x7.
As you noticed there are red cards, and all of them come from custom stuff (events, instances).
Auction House load first cards with highest rarity, that is why tou see mostly red one.
I checked and after loading all 1000 cards i found as well blue, orange and brown one.
ok thanks, how long should it take for them to fully load? I must have waited at least 5min and only saw the first 10 red ones, i didnt see any blue or orange ones
Could be something wrong with my aah add on but i just installed it yesterday and downloaded it directly from your website.
I just tried it again, and i see im getting an error
I removed all my addons except aah and it worked and i slowly readded them and when i added yaCIt it broke again, so im getting some kind of conflict with those 2 addons
Are you using our yaCit as well?
I can confirm too that problem is with your yacit version. I replaced today 3 addons with arcadia version - AAH, scrutinizer and yacit and got the same problem. When i switched to older version of that addon it is working fine.
Thank you for this informations, it will be checked.
Fix for missing Card on IBP.
Thanks for help GM`s :3Regards Himiko
Thank you for all your work you put into this, works great!!
Ty :3