How to find special crafting items

  • Returning back to the game and trying to keep busy by crafting, but I can't find some of the crafting items to level up my crafting skills. When I try search it takes me to a dead website that's no longer operational. Does anyone have a webpage that lists all the specialised crafting items required, eg, where to find stuff?

    I know it's a broad question. Here's a few examples: hardworking crystal, souless androlier, beech fibre, parasol tree fibre - obviously there's loads more. Some come up in a search. Others don't as it's directed at a website that's closed its doors.

    Also, still looking for a guild GMT +10, or a guild to teach me stuff, instances, DN, and siege which I like. Will try play more from now on. My gear is starting to look good. Would be great to join a place to get geared up, diamonds, DN rings, badges, etc. Mailbox me ingame (Gargoyle) or drop me a message in forum. Thanks xD

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