Skills, forgotten classes and weapons.

  • Hi everyone, it's been a while since i post something here. I have some changes to suggest. English is not my native language, I will ask you to be lenient. Writing all this took me a lot of time, i hope you will read everything. If i did somes mistakes or something isn't comprehensible, please ask me, i'll do everything i can to make it better.


    Masteries skills: 1-H weapon mastery/2-H weapon mastery(Warrior), Dagger Mastery(Rogue), Two-Hand Weapon Mastery(Warden) and Finishing Hammer(Champion).
    -Make them increase magic damage too.
    this gonna up all magical or Hybrid melee classes (War/M, Wrd/Druid, Wrd/M, R/Wl, C/Wl except K/M)

    -Remove the last change on the W/M " Lightning Burn Weapon: reduced dmg 25% - > 5% "

    Now i think you have one question, WHY? It's simple, the K/M is too strong and you wanted to upgrade the W/M but if you buff only him, all other similar classes will be useless. Now War/M and Wrd/Druid will play with a magical 2-h sword +76.5% for the warrior and +54.5% for the warden, maybe we need to change the magical damage of weapons and the K/M will be affected but he have bonus damage with "Devotion" and can tank.

    (I'm gonna talk about the Axes and Staves later don't forget it)

    We all know this classes can't deal enough damage, i think we can do something. It's not gonna make this class strong enough but it's gonna help.

    -Natural Attack, Cross of Thorns Attack and Heart Piercing: Deals now physical earth damage


    We can create an unique play-style. With an 1-h weapon you can use a Shield but not with a staff. I was thinking about 2 new way to play the P/W: 1-h weapon + shield tank and Staff DPS.

    -Power Build-Up: increase 2-H Staff damage (it's currently 49.2%)

    -Condensed Rage: add bonus aggro (if you can make it only when a shield is worn, it's even better)


    One-Hand Axe Mastery is useless with 76.5%(Dagger is 76%) if you compare CL, HOS and Tikal weapons. I think a little buff will be nice but not to much because the real problem is the weapon.


    Elven Eye: every second costs 5% mana -> every second costs 2% mana

    Focus: 50% of your wisdom will be converted into patk -> 100% give patk (not converted) OR 10% converted into physical damage
    (i calculed it with a build Str/ap, Dex/ap 220, Str/ap, Dex/ap 216 and 2 Wis/ap 216, 100% patk doesn't give more than Amplified Attack(priest) and 10% damage doesn't give more than Natural Care(Scout/Wrd))


    Killin' Time: elite skill 60(Malicious intent release) bug it.

    Normal Killin' Time: Costs 45 energy. Increase Crit phy hit rate by 120 - 2078.4 and crit phy dmg by 1 - 17.3 % for 15 sec. 60 sec CD.
    Bugged Killin' Time: Costs 45 energy. Increase Crit phy hit rate by 120 - 2078.4 and crit phy dmg by 1 - 17.3 % for 7 sec. 60 sec CD.

    It's supposed remove the CD. but even without the CD it's useless 45 energy is too much. maybe thing like Elven Eye is better.

    Suggested New Killin' Time (with elite 60): Costs 3% mana/sec(maybe 10 or 20 energy at cast).
    Increase Crit phy hit rate by 120 - 2078.4 and crit phy dmg by 1 - 17.3 % for 30 sec. 60 sec CD.


    -Together: Make this skill upgradable or stronger. It doesn't need a big % of the DPS but the buff have to be a little better.


    With CL, HOS and Tikal you create a magical sword and a magical hammer. it was a good idea and i think we can make more.

    -upgrade the 1-h sword and the 1-h axe (Maybe make the axe Main hand if you think it gonna be too strong with 2 of them. W/R gonna play with axe/sword and R/W with axe/dagger)

    -Add a Magical Dagger(for M/R, Wl/R and R/Wl), a Magical/Healer 1-h Hammer(for P/R and D/R) and a Physical staff(For P/W)


    -Allow Reconciliation and Hatred runes in the shields (D/W, P/W and mostly all tank with a shield)

    Thank you for reading, all of this isn't perfect but i hope it gives some good ideas.

  • Hello Maluxia,

    thank you for your Suggestion and sharing your Ideas with us. Its always nice to see if our Players thinking about the Game to help us improve it. :love:

  • Druid/Warrior:

    We all know this classes can't deal enough damage, i think we can do something. It's not gonna make this class strong enough but it's gonna help.

    -Natural Attack, Cross of Thorns Attack and Heart Piercing: Deals now physical earth damage

    I don't think that this is enogh. Druid's axe weapon skill would be still very low which means a lot of misses. Another problem is that strength only gives 0.8 Patk for druid. These are important things to be changed to make druid/warrior deal dmg

  • Quote

    -Add a Magical Dagger(for M/R, Wl/R and R/Wl), a Magical/Healer 1-h Hammer(for P/R and D/R) and a Physical staff(For P/W)

    Although I agree with the above mentioned lines, I'll just add my 2¢.

    PBU: Increase 2h-damage. This isn't really necessary because as a priest your weaponskill of 2h Staff is already the highest of all weapons available to the p/w. Higher weaponskill means more hits equals more damage.

    Condensed Rage: It seems that CR already has some ghost-aggro when activated.

    Physical Staff, there are a few Staffs ingame which give a bit higher physical damage than the so-called mage- and healing-staffs, I would suggest to raise the physical damage on those physical staffs.

    Former Battle Nun (90/86) from (Original) server Isiltir, later known as Agenor.
    On Paradise: Amaron (Magical Wd/D)

  • I forgot to mention this in other threads where we talked about p/w but the 1 handed axe + hammer from tikal have way more pdmg than any 2 handed melee staff.
    At only T7 the Tikal 1 handed axe has almost the same pdmg as the level 99 t13 2 handed staff. Not to mention the 1 handed weapon will get 82% dmg bonus versus the 49.2% for staff.

  • Khira: if i can help to improve the game, the pleasure is mine :)

    i agree but if we change too much things at once, we can't really judge what is good or bad.

    Condensed Rage: It seems that CR already has some ghost-aggro when activated.

    Self-healing give aggro

    Physical Staff, there are a few Staffs ingame which give a bit higher physical damage than the so-called mage- and healing-staffs, I would suggest to raise the physical damage on those physical staffs.
    I forgot to mention this in other threads where we talked about p/w but the 1 handed axe + hammer from tikal have way more pdmg than any 2 handed melee staff.
    At only T7 the Tikal 1 handed axe has almost the same pdmg as the level 99 t13 2 handed staff. Not to mention the 1 handed weapon will get 82% dmg bonus versus the 49.2% for staff.

    plus only the lvl 98 physical staff is available and you can use the hammer, less dps than the axe but more mdmg + healing bonus and the weaponskill is the 3rd highest

    about the new weapons i was talking about, i know there are a few, but not end-game nor hard-mode instance. strongest items in the codex are normal-mode, purple rarity and lvl 98(99 soon).

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.