Posts by Madox

    yep, the small test i did last night I could see something was off. Like hidden 1s waiting after using some skills. It was a weird thing.


    • Increased Earth Groaning Wind Blade maximum target amount to 15, added 10% damage decrement for each extra target, increases earth portion of damage by 40%.

    Is bugged. Wind part was increased instead of earth and distance of skill was reduced to 1. Yes, 1 distance haha

    Also noticed this class earth core barrier 499620 isn't affecting to lvl 80 mage ISS.


    • Changed Beast Awakening attack speed boost formula, also included attack speed of gear and runes.

    Attack speed from gear and runes isn't working. Stimulant, lute and other speed attack buffs aren't working either now.

    The reason that your comparison of Shot and Static Field is feels wrong is, you are comparing an area effect versus single target effect. All area effects in game has 0.6 damage multiplier in the end by excluding attribute based part.


    That is what I was afraid of, is a wrong view imho. Saying aoe dmg and reflect dmg are the same, that is not real. Most aoes hit to 15 targets, reflect skills (in this case) hit only 3 times when there are +2 mobs. We have a 40% lose on single target dmg cose is considered "aoe".

    - I propose to make it real aoe hitting 15 mobs, not only 3. Which wouldn't solve single target low dmg issue on these mages.

    - Or do it like new mage/scout shot, single target gets 100% of the dmg (not 0.6 multiplier) to main mob and aoe to the others.

    One note, static field appeared as a single target skill dmg on 25/July patch, already then had lower dmg than it should.

    Im just trying to make the other mage combinations sustained single dmg something usefull and not a total waste of time. Mp, md, mwd, mwl.... none of them have any replacement for casts when we don't have burst. Making those classes not as viable as any other dps is. That is why ms, mch and mk are way better, they don't depend on this skill.

    If I understand right what you are trying to say, other skills have INT multiplier and that is why static field suck? Well, im sure that is not the only matter here.

    More tests: Mage/scout without INT multiplier

    Static field 1800 fire and 1800 wind: 4.31kk

    Shot 2094 fire and 2094 wind: 8.8kk - 0.29 (from physic dmg) = 8.51kk. Doing the math with 1800 fire and 1800 wind would be 7.32kk.

    So 4.31kk vs 7.32kk. Idk maybe is considered as an aoe instead of a single target skill because it hits as low as purge does. I need more information.

    I have the same problem. I couldn't use transport book (black codex) since last patch, is 30-60 secs of frozen screen with 0 fps. Most of the times I have to force game to close. Also happen in RoFL out of nowhere my fps drop to 0 for a few moments.

    Why is static field doing that low dmg? this skill was supposed to allow us to stop casting when we don't have burst but is really useless in every combination.

    I've been doing some tests, as mch with wind dmg only (since half of the dmg is always wind). Skill do 3600 wind dmg.

    -Static field, 3600 wind --> 4.64kk

    -Thunderstorm, 3220 wind --> 5.17kk. Would be 5.78kk

    -Lvl 80 ISS aoe, 2000 wind --> 3.48kk. Would be 6.26kk

    -Electric discharge, 2430 wind --> 6.71kk (I guess this is taken as old 1second cast?). Would be 9.94kk

    -Discharge, 1485 wind --> 2.48kk. Would be 6.01kk

    Everything with way less wind dmg hit more. Is this a bug? how is this possible?

    Even fireball with 2982 fire dmg (162% wind vs 106% fire) hit 6.48kk. Would be 7.82kk

    First of all, I didn't expect this patch, I was shocked with all those mage changes, thank you.

    -Mage/druid: Is still giving only earth dmg, not fire aswell. Maybe type fail on notes? idk

    • Increased Control Flame fire damage increment to 36%.

    -Mage/champ: Thank you for this I really hope is enough to fix this class rage issues.

    • Changed Energy Passage to make Static Field generate 5 rage upon hit.

    Bugs report:

    -Mage ISS lvl 99 Divine elementalist ( id 497722) isn't working after you die. Need to remove the ISS and put it in again.

    -Mage/knight: Elite skill energy recovery (id 493266) isn't always working, 8% mattack is gone after some time, idk exactly why and idk if the 18.6% crit dmg is gone aswell, hard to tell.

    Edit: Warrior/Priest Defender's Roar (id 491466) is still a group buff, could you please change it to raid, thx.

    I have a question regarding Mages in general.

    Where do you see the Mage atm? Because the way I see it, the burst damage compared to pDDS (scouts, rogues, champs..and YES, I compare with the same equipment) is almost nonexistent(20-30kk hit to 200kk hit). AoE wise most physical damage dealers will outdamage you, without a doubt. Atm the Mage is, imho, nothing more than a support class for some pdds. Sure some have quite a nice AoE or burst damage, but its nothing compared to most p-damage dealers.


    I don't think they are that useless, some combos are decent and I like them but yes, their balance isn't over at all. What happened with mages is they changed magical formula, added more and better elemental dmg in june, on the first patch. This made the mages really good compared to pdps (pdps didn't get balance when this happened) and within the last months, mages got constantly nerfed (hey my lovely mr :P) while pdps got constantly buffed reaching a point where we are behind, again.

    The part im more disappointed with is the changes themselves. Mages got 1 formula changed, 1 class reworked (mch), and 1 magical warden reworked (wd/d, well atleast the first weeks, now is totally useless idk how you don't see this). Pdps got reworks in several classes of rogues, warriors and champions and now they work completely different.

    My opinion in all kind of dmg we usually compare in RoFL:

    -Sustain: We keep asking for an increased sustained dmg where we dont need to cast (they tried but the skill was clearly not enough to be used in any combination except in mch because that class have a spammable nongcd skill to use in between). It never comes making m/d, m/p, m/wd and m/wl a waste of time. Maybe a skill without cd and gcd to spam like mch between the new skill? It needs to have way more dmg than fireball has now, maybe like mk fireball without cd. Like scouts wind arrow, that increased their single dmg sustain +30% LOL.

    -In terms of aoes: im glad they added an option to have burst aoe but isn't good yet. It really needs to be changed from wind to subclass dmg and also, I would suggest that the debuff that storm leaves on the mobs should be also a buff on us. Most of the times mobs die while casting storm and we can't use meteor shower after or worse, mobs move and then we are useless (nothing new here ||).

    -Burst: I noticed A LOT the last change in bosses defense. I can't get close to any pdps on balton anymore xD Can we get magical hot stew? Idk why some dps have 4kk attack and mages have to cry to reach 2kk.

    I would like to see any of the useless mage combos to be reworked (we still have poison dmg and isn't in any combo).

    Note: pls on mch return plasma arrow the posibility to add rage always and not remove it after using new skill. Is a pain.

    Note 2: RK work exactly the same as WM, why not give WM proper auto attack aoes like RK? The ones it has now are a shame to even be leveled. Also, really low mattack for rofl.

    Summon up, everyone cried mages were the kings when all this balance started and I feel we have been slowly forgotten into a class noone care about in patches and also in everyday gameplay. I don't want to be a pdps support.

    How about Grox’s player model :D

    As a matter of fact, would be pretty cool to have the player model of all team members!

    Can’t give IDs for those sadly :)

    What about a pet with same dress, appearance and race as the owner, is that even possible? A little copy of us? :/

    I couldn't write the last request because it became long, but I hope that somehow Thunder Storm's Cooldown 30 seconds will be abolished or the conditions will be moderated.

    Thunder storm got 30s cd but Meteor Shower is working like the old thunder storm, just use that skill instead because is exactly the same as you request.

    Mage have a lot of skills with old elemental dmg. Mage subclasses dmg changed from fire/wind into other elements so I suggest that Thunderstorm, Meteor Shower, Fireball, Purgatory, etc should change into each subclass elemental dmg.

    Few thoughts, tried in dummys, not in RoFL yet.

    - MK sustained dmg got improved and make a good combo with static field, fireball and stars of light. Glad spammable 3s skill got a bit boost aswell.

    - MD test was a disaster, i really hope extra mattack buff and less def on mobs time to time help because it was really bad.

    - MCh, still asking for getting rage from plasma arrow second effect and not from charged, as Laisha suggested tho. It really would help.

    - MR test did literally same dmg as MS, maybe this class is finally where it should be.

    PD: We have now poison dmg? I can't wait to see which combo you guys rework to add it 8o

    Few comments:

    Mage/champ: Fixed Static Field Charge and Charged state weren’t overriding each other.

    Removing the posibility to create rage with this using a plasma arrow and then the new buff is a pain, is really unpleasant to play and almost impossible to keep up rage buffs once pot/cape are gone. The whole point of this new skill was making mages able to do something without casting, if we still need to do 3s spammable cast to generate rage, whats the point. I even had to do white hits whole run LOL.

    Mage/Scout, please fix the pet. Skill cast and real cast are different, isn't changed by owner cast speed as the skill shows. Also range of the cast is 100 instead of 200 as the skill says. It stops casting after entering organs sometimes. Pretty useless pet most of the time because can't hit as cenedrils can.

    Other mages combo: still waiting on an improvement on sustained static field dmg or add a better fireball without cd (like Ch/m Voltage Seize) or something to be viable.

    Warlock/Rogue: Allow to use rogue teleport inside organs or losing 30% dark dmg permanent make the class really bad inside. I would suggest also to use the 3 bleeds this class have to improve Crime skill dmg in only one 0.5s cast.

    Last nerfs on champ aoe and others changes on them, make me think in one aspect of the game, one huge aspect, we can't forget in this balance. Tiers farming. This is really important and, right now, the most efficient way is 99 Ice ini + champ/mage.

    I would suggest, if is possible, to remove the stuns in mobs from that instance (only before boss 1) so we could use any class we like to farm after this balance. Champ/mage got a few changes (to be usable as endgame dps) and it scares me we lose its shield making farming a nightmare. Please consider it.

    Ill type about different topics since I try lot of classes.


    Increased Lion’s Protection conversion rate to 90%.

    Im confused. You guys told us you weren't planning to make leather users full dexterity (as many people asked a lot of times), half dex and half str was the way to go. Now you add a feature where you need full dex to be viable.

    Don't take me wrong, Im glad we can see more viable tank classes, I like this change. I would love to see mage/knight tanking (just thinking out loud :P)

    -- Warden tank pet change, I agree with what they said, is not good. My wd/d magic dps-tank as hybrid could atleast do some dps (I guess this is why you also added mattack to the nerf) making lacking of hp, def, taunts, cc (god this is important), defensive skills, proper magic tank gear of this class less useless comparing with huge tankiness of knight or huge tankiness + dps of champ (yes, champ still reach what, 800k patt in shield form? Its dmg in some champ combos is still impressive (specially aoes), way better than my wd/d squishy combo).

    -- Mage/Rogue. Tried yesterday in RoFL.

    -Viable? Well, I guess that 5% dmg help other members? idk, I wouldn't pick this class for that reason.

    -Improved purge? Even this one is crap compared to pdps when they can remove all the mobs from this planet in 3 seconds :/

    -Sustain? Yes, is better than other casting mages (I won't talk about the new instant skill because isn't worth), not a disaster but way behind than m/s and m/ch.

    -Burst? Oh god, that was bad, so bad. Probably the worst mage combo. Having extra 32% cast speed make you full speed for 90s instead of 60s like other mages, assuming boss survive that long you can start recovering dmg when rest of dps's burst is gone. My friend Balton disagrees :)

    Summon it up, I woulnd't pick this class yet, it isn't the good choice in any aspect comparing to other dps. Decent in some parts, terrible in others.

    Changed some class pets and cenedrils to update their attributes dynamically depending on owner attributes instead of only during spawn.

    Mage/scout pet isn't included, still work in the old way. About this pet, the flame cast is extremely slow, most of the times isn't even hitting once between bosses if we have good dps in party. I would suggest to reduce its cast time and also make it dependant to user own cast speed or just make it instant like other pets. The distance for this skill is 200 but I constantly see the pet going closer, way closer to cast.

    Bug report: This flame cast from the pet gets bugged like 100% of the times, if you run a bit further or if you enter in b3 organs, the pet appear without buffs (the dmg go back to what it was if you summon it without any buff, still old function) and won't (no matter what I try) cast flames, I need to resummon it or it will keep doing white hits only.

    First try with couple of mages:

    m/ch, is what this class needed as sustain, between new skill and this class non gcd spammable skill, is able to keep up with rest of pdps.

    m/p, where should I start... bad, terribly bad. New skill dmg is really low to replace casting (as sustain, no cast buffs).

    Im scared if that skill dmg wasn't nearly enough for m/p, it wont be for any other mage (except mch) since is the same mechanic for all of them. It needs another extra skill without gcd like mch or isn't worth.

    Changed Static Field to inflict 1800 wind and 1800 elemental damage to target.

    Thank you! Have a lot of test to do but it feels good to be heard.

    About mages sustained dmg (not m/s ofc), I know you guys told me that you know it is bad when other classes dps are in the party (I guess almost every time? :P) and you are working on it, just want to give a few propositions.

    M/WL have a decent sustained skill, Soul pain. Not bad dmg, low cast. I would suggest to remove its cost, this class have focus issues. This skill wouldn't be used during burst so burst dmg won't get affected. Also need to remember (in case someone say this is a support class), if we use this skill, we don't support, so it would sup only when you don't use this making you chose between supporting or doing sustained dmg.

    M/K Stars of light is also a good idea for sustained dmg but, really low dmg. It needs like x2 or somehting of what it does now. Same as previous sugestion, burst dmg wont get affected since isn't related to cast speed.

    M/R just need an increase in Cursed fangs dmg, easy to fix.

    Adding to other mages some similar skill to Soul pain with good dmg and low cast (0.5s cast and half dmg of that class 3 second spammable skill) but of course not worth to use when you have cast speed buffs on, would be a good way for mages to catch up with other dps. Have to remember their aoe in most of combos is almost nonexistant compared to pdps or warlocks.

    Cheers, Madoxx.

    Mage/priest skills testing:

    -Lvl 25 passive skill, ID: 491589. It says flame and fireball have more chance to inflict extra dmg. I think it should say what chance is that and how much extra or whatever is doing, need more information. I guess is talking about eruption?. Also, is new water 3s cast skill (ID: 491590) included? Same for new non gcd priest tide skill (ID: 499608). Both should be included since flame has no use now.

    -Lvl 45 passive skill, ID: 493031. It makes plasma arrow (ID: 493033) reduce magical crit resistance on mob for 308. When you see mob buff, it says only 22, not 308. Check this pls.

    The skill also says it increases your magic crit dmg 8% for 15s but the buff you get it says magic dmg (not crit). I don't see any dmg increased so I imagine is a fail description on the buff we get.

    Used spanish client, idk if any of these are right on english version.

    Lately on each patch, skills arent translated and others are making addons go crazy and not work, like new warrior spammable slash. We would like to try new combos with spanish client aswell and not have to wait 1 week for their translation, please consider this.

    Tested Mage/Rogue: Overall dmg is decent but isn't really real. Gift of the baron is hitting things that shouldn't take dmg. Is doing 200-400kk in boss 2 to something with similar name to boss name but isn't the boss itself. Also hits Balton mobs. Single target dmg is probably lowest out of all combos, like 20-30% behind of what I usually do with other mages.

    But please do not forget the raidbuff this combo has. classes with such buffs should not deal the best overall damage too. just my opinion

    Then make it selfbuff and do to this class a proper single dmg boost, not like most of pdps need group buffs.

    Tested Mage/Rogue: Overall dmg is decent but isn't really real. Gift of the baron is hitting things that shouldn't take dmg. Is doing 200-400kk in boss 2 to something with similar name to boss name but isn't the boss itself. Also hits Balton mobs. Single target dmg is probably lowest out of all combos, like 20-30% behind of what I usually do with other mages.

    Bug report: Knight/Warrior (Divine Punishment ID: 502052) and Knight/Rogue (Approach ID: 501941), aren't working, our light dmg on mobs is exactly the same with or without these skills.

    -Warrior/Mage test, this skill without global cd helped. About the 2 aoes of this class, they are a waste, really low dmg.

    -Mage/Rogue still need to be tested in RoFL but, on dummys it didn't look promising that 15% change, will try tomorrow aswell. Kiss of the Vampire had good dmg, maybe reduce its cd so we need to use it as combo with Cursed Fangs? Have to remember these skills have no eruption.

    -Mage/Knight isn't good enough, guess will need to retry once knights are working tho.

    -Good point changing Earth Splitting Explosion into subclass dependant dmg, I think more skills require this change tho.

    Another suggestion, is open to consideration changing mage golden bonus set? It cost tons of work and crit dmg is just crap, would suggest elemental dmg.