Posts by JockelR


    I want to bring up a certain topic of the game with melee characters. I found the Rogue game quite tough on DC due to its high AoE damage. My teammates die a lot, especially with the last cut between the 4-5 bosses. Does this problem only occur with us at the moment, or are similar situations in other guilds?

    All mobs on they way are designed that rouges can track the aoe and avoid it. In theory rouges can know when every aoe happens. they way is harder to play for rouges then for ranged dps yes but in the end its a good way to balance the instance and make more classes usefull.

    I think the whole weapon lvl system is obsolete and outdated. The main thing earlier was that you naturally leveld ur weapon on your journey but on this server ur lvl 105 nearly instantly.

    I would replace the whole system with something else. There are several option on how to create a system which doesnt force u to have ur pc running for nights to just get 3-4 lvls each night.

    1) just make it faster, since the system was naturally leveled earlier in the days of the game its impossible here. New players need to stand for days in itnal not playing the game.

    2)Use the housemaid system. Add a weapon master to ur Housemaids which will lvl the weapon for you.

    3) add a weapon level event for players to catch up now. Mages face the problem that they have full gear everything and want to run endgame instances like they used to but they suddenly have to lvl weapons with 0 preperation time.

    Dark core X-Bow

    Regarding the X-Bow, it has no real use for tanks/strength classes since its now having only dex as a stat.

    Tanks would use the heal xbow and strength just keep the old one.

    Maybe with an upcoming dlc/content a new xbow with stam/str offstats could be added.

    Dark Core B5

    I suggest adding a cooldown to the bubble spawnpoints.

    Its rare but it happens that bubbles just spawn 3 times infront of the same cage and if the 2 healers are the first ones caged its impossible to save them which results in restart because of bad RNG.

    If a bubble spawned in front of a cage thats fine but i think it should then on the next spawn not spawn in the same position.

    Dark Core Boss 1

    Its possible to resist the staff upon using it on a mob. If the mob resists now no new Staff for the event will spawn.

    It can still be played with other parts of the event but i dont know if its intented that it can happen like this.


    It can only wear an instrument which makes this class not even good for a second healer since the patt buff is right now 30k lower than normal priest classes. (since 30k unbuffed value is fullbuffed so much it isnt worth it to play this class)

    I suggest adding Talisman to the class with the lvl 60/70 elite.

    Kind Regards



    How exactly does precision work now on magical classes?

    I have 220k precision which is a lot more than mages have and i still resist/miss in dark core with a new weapon.

    Does preicision even matter or is it something diffrent?

    Right now i miss/resist about 10%-15% if i dont have a precision title equiped which seems very high for new weapon + 220k precision.

    • Changed “Dark Therapy” to additionally allow your “Concentration Prayer” to scale with Intelligence.

    Now u are unable to buff wisdom with heal gear on wl/d, is it intented that this class now requires full mage gear to be playable?

    last Boss:

    If u are fast enough and kill all mobs including the wizard and commander, there is a Chance that the Champion spawns an will be immun forever. In this case u always need to reset the Boss. Dont know why He is immune but this happened now 2-3 Times at the end Boss.

    Chronicles of Arcadia [Jockels] (

    it happens only some times to me, it doesnt matter in which phase of the tactic and most people cant give a crash report since the game just closes without a message.

    D/B P/B and B/P

    these healing classes require u to have a Guitar equiped. But Guitars have %Healing on them instead of %Heal bonus or Healbonus flat. So it makes it every annoying to always switch from guitar to staff just for buffing.

    Would be a lot better if Guitar gets changed to have either flat bonushealpoints or %Bonushealpoints so that you can keep the guitar in slot for buffing aswell.

    Kind Regards


    P/D and D/P

    both classes are beyond broken in healing, i suggest massivly decresing their healing capability.

    D/P has 4 hots he can permanently have up + an additional instant healing spell, also the hots are insanly high.

    Rain of light + Regenerate + Druid hot + Recover hot can do over 600k each 2 seconds.

    And p/d just casually can do 300k regenerate on a whole raid with 1 button.

    These 2 classes should be either hardly nerfed or reworked.

    Kind Regards


    • Changed Evasion -> Forsaken Maneuver: Increases dodge rate and magic resist rate by 43%.

    Maybe this will be too strong for r/wrl if he has passivly both, the dodge rate already is insane, maybe lower the amount to 20% since its permanent on that class.

    I suggest everything that reduces aggro now, should be changed to be range depentend. Holy Protection from K/P and the ISS from warrior should only be active when u actually have 1 of these classes in your instance.

    Kind Regards


    WD/S still performs better than every other class in dark core and that by atleast 20-30% vs the best other classes.

    Chirons attacks can just 2 shot mobs if buffed which already shows how stupidly strong this pet is.

    WD/D is a little bit less strong but still too strong.

    Maybe adjust the values of the pets from these 2 classes.

    Kind Regards


    after we are now on more custom continents, i think it would be a great idea to place the Arcadia Coin vendors in each new zone aswell (for example in the camp at Dark core or in Zando).

    Kind Regards


    But i said how you can get something even when u are only doing the first 4 bosses, the obscure metal. It counts as a whole run in cores so it gives u the same thing as u would kill the last boss - the arcadia coins.

    Its perfectly designed since it now counts towards the 39 cores in 5 runs system.

    If u consume the metal its like u ran the whole run and gets also counted towards the 5 runs for ur 39 cores.

    1 more thing to add, even if u cant finish the run but participated in a huge part u can still ask if u can get the obscure metal(which now counts as 1 complete run in cores). So the only thing u would miss are arcadia coins.

    If u have a fair loot system in the guild you should have no problem with only particapating in half of the instance and u still get something out of the run.

    Since this Instance is very long it happens to us regulary that players cant finish the run, but they are all helping so we can run faster even if they need to go in the middle of the run.

    Kind Regards
