Posts by Serenadae

    Quite the interesting idea. I'm not sure if I'd like that change over a more generic damage boost, however I'm not opposed to see that suggestion of yours implemented either. Certainly sounds fun and engaging, since you have to exploit a very short time window to its full extent.

    Another idea that came to my mind, Shock Overload could be changed the way S/M's Incineration works (keeping the original range ofc). You would still need to auto attack for procs/stacks/Rage, especially on Ch/Wl, but it would improve the performance of all Champion classes in trash (except for Ch/Wd, which doesn't need a buff anyway).

    Currently, with 4 dps+ in DC, I'm almost breaking my fingers in the desperate attempt to find a target that's not instantly deleted from existance, to get a Shock Overload proc off and ideally still hit something that hasn't expired yet.

    Regarding Champion/Warlock.

    The class is strictly underperforming atm, both compared to the best Champion class (Ch/Wd) and almost all Warriors.

    The damage gap gets even worse in a fast group, where mobs die way to quickly to a) reliably build Forge/Rune Drive stacks and b) hit Shock Overload procs.

    This is ofc a general issue with Champion (except with Ch/Wd, which doesn't use Shock Overload), but since I can't think of a solution that wouldn't fundamentally change the core mechanics of the class, I suggest the following.

    Change Heart Collection Rune to a 15minute buff (and remove the cooldown). It currently has a theoretical uptime of 50% anyway (30sec duration + 60sec cd).

    Regarding Champion/Priest.

    Please change Light Pulse to require a hammer equipped instead of a 1h hammer.

    I do understand that the skill needed to be changed so people couldn't just tank without a weapon, but by limiting it to 1h only you took away the option to play the class as a dps.

    Regarding ch/priest

    Divine Vengeance: Should be changed into selfbuff click and with uptime 20 seconds / cd 15 seconds. Right now it's very uncomfortable to click it every 5 seconds as a hit on mobs (and you need Chain Drive to be triggered before)

    Personally, from a dps perspective, I like the new Divine Vengeance since it helps with the terrible single target damage of the class. However, I realize that using it for the buff is rather annoying right now.

    I suggest moving the ability to wear plate to Way of Frenzy (lvl 35 elite). A elite skill that only allows you to wear plate and does nothing else is kinda weird to begin with if you compare it to similar skills of other classes.

    Runecraft-Devotion (lvl 15 elite) can be changed into the selfbuff you suggested (the buff needs to be removed from Divine Vengeance accordingly).

    That being said, only the devs can tell if the buff is intended to have an uptime next to 100% or should rather be seen as a temporary bonus like Wd/W's Pulse Mastery (lvl 35 elite) buff.

    I disagree.

    Sure, you can tank DC with chain gear as Ch/K, but the class fares much better with plate gear.

    Same thing with K/Wl. You can play it as a dps with plate gear, but it doesn't perform as good as it would with chain. So I don't see an issue here.

    However, I agree on the aggro part. 90% is way too much.

    Regarding Champion.

    There currently is a bug occuring with Shock Overload. When a skill is used in the very moment Shock Overload procs, its damage is reduced according to the players missing rage as well.

    Here is a screenshot made as Ch/M (tested it with Ch/Wl too, seems to be a general bug).


    First "Schwerer Schlag" (=Heavy Bash) is downscaled, the second isn't.

    Regarding Mage/Warrior.

    Since the class is still not worth using at all, even after the recent patch - 6-8k more magical damage with good buff gear make no substantial difference, I suggest the following change to Focused Beam (lvl 20 elite):

    -Also reduces the AoE malus of Static Field by 20% (40 -> 20)

    This way M/W wouldn't be as strong as prior to the nerf, but viable again.

    Regarding Champion/Knight.

    Unlike both Ch/P and Ch/W, who both have spammable AoE's that generate more aggro (Slash & Light Pulse), Ch/K struggles in medium and large pulls, where you don't have Rune Overload up. A prime example for this is the desert in Dark Core.

    Shock Strike is not a reliable way to build aggro, it doesn't guarantee hitting all mobs and doesn't hit at all if there is any obstacle in the way. Holy Strike only hits 3 targets.

    Hence I suggest adding an aggro multiplier to Holy Roar. The skill has 5 seconds cd, so both Ch/P and Ch/W wouldn't loose their "identity" as AoE-tanks.

    I support this and suggest Giant Sewer Rat ID 109547 as the pet template.

    First off, the housing rework looks really fun. I like the idea of customizable ground & sky and I think the whole concept has a lot of potential for expansion/updates etc.

    However, I think the base game housing editor needs some work. Moving and especially turning object is quite a hassle.

    I would very much appreciate the option to use arrow keys instead of just the mouse, which would make placement much more precise.

    Lastly, please implement a mirrored (right sided) version of ID: 1245273. Currently my poor dragon has no legs on his right side. :|

    Are there any plans to reduce the upgrade cost of a card via the stardom mechanic/diamonds upgrade button according to the numeric value of the individual attributes on that card ?

    So 14 -> 15 does cost less than 1 -> 15.

    I made the majority of my cards with the stones (some before stardom even got introduced), that seem to be more or less only usefull for getting the 4 desired stats nowadays. Atm it's only worth to either pay diamonds to max out your card instantly, or farm all 5 stars and then upgrade to max.

    In other words, I have more or less lost the diamonds I've invested into the cards, since I have to pay the same amount to max out as if the card was vanilla with 4 stats.

    It would be quite upsetting if all those diamonds invested into the randomizing stones are just wasted.

    This is the approach I'm already using and which I, technically incorrectly, referred to as a timer.

    My point is all that additional code could have been a single, short line in the past and I still don't see why the latest change to UnitBuffInfo was necessary.

    Appreciate it though Amzi!

    So we need to use clunky timers again for skill procs ? That is very unfortunate and means a lot of work.

    I honestly don't see why this was seen as a problem in the first place.

    Moreover, there seems to be a general issue with UnitBuffInfo after the patch, that is not directly related to hidden buffs.

    I had to switch to UnitBuff for my stack-counters (for skills such as Forge-Effect from Champion) since UnitBuffInfo ceased to work. Forge-Effect is not a hidden buff, it is displayed and has both name and ID.

    Not quite sure what causes this, but I suspect the latest change to hidden buffs prevents my function from iterating through my (ordinary) buffs as it should. Using UnitBuff it works.

    Not sure where to ask this. So please move it somewhere else, if appropriate.

    • Fixed UnitBuffInfo was able to access hidden buffs information unintentionally.

    Could a DEV explain why this change was necessary ?