Posts by xLutinex

    Dont missunderstand me. I agree with the idea of pushing patk from dex and make str/str useless for leather classes. But i wanted to mention, that atm leather class are very low at physical attack.

    Funny. We tested a lot and (i don't want to mention mdds... i hope some mdds will mention themselve, that their classes are too op) I must say: the champion is not useless atm. In our guild, the champion is still the top pdd, even in AOE fights.

    And btw: from me too - the class balancing patch is nice except some classes / calculations of some damage formulas ^^

    Leather classes like rogue and scout does not have more physical attack than class like warrior or champ. Why? Because champion and warrior are getting 2 physical attack per str point. (Warden only get 1,5 points. But wardens are imho very strong, especially the wd/warrior with his 2 physical attack buffs)

    Scouts and rogues become less than 1,5 points physical attack from str and dex. scouts for example are getting only 1,2 physical attack from 1 point dex. If this would be changed, that scouts/rogues does not get any physical attack from str, than the amount from dex should be increased. overall the rogues have the lowest physical attack with same gear of all classes, followed by the scout...

    And btw: as mdd, you can play every mdd class with just 1 gear (inclusive weapon) while pdds need for every class another weapon. And you can play for example rogue/warden with chain gear


    the calculation of the skill "Focus" is still wrong. Sometimes the extra physical attack get bonus from physical attack buffs like aged realgar wine and sometimes not.

    I could not figure out at what circumstances it is. Maybe you can check it? :)

    Kind regards

    it seems that the new heal formula does not include wisdom in the correct way. According to my observations the healing of skills depends 95-99% on healing bonus of items. wisdom is more ignored than before, even for hots (healing over time)

    Also it seems that magical damage does not have any effect on healing skills

    Indeed there is something wrong with wisdom calculation, we will be looking for it.

    Thx for the fix. But now it seems, that only the "normal healing" is calculated with wisdom. Healing over time effects does not use wisdom properly in tests. Can you check it too?

    Scout/Druid is too strong atm. The calculation of the skill "Focus" is wrong. Without any range weapon, you get ~226kk physical attack.

    With ranged weapon and upper + lower set you get fix 1.000.001 physical attack.

    It is in any way buggy with ranged weapon + upper and lower set damage stats.

    Very important is to fix the wrong calculation


    I guess he means, that in logs are "+ 15 rage points" but in real the rage will be drained by 15 points per auto attack instead of increasing it. (I tested it)

    it seems that the new heal formula does not include wisdom in the correct way. According to my observations the healing of skills depends 95-99% on healing bonus of items. wisdom is more ignored than before, even for hots (healing over time)

    Also it seems that magical damage does not have any effect on healing skills

    Why is rogue/mage even more speed ?, they reach a speed limit of 0.5 at maximum acceleration, damage will give them more parameters than speed.
    And with the champions, the opposite is true, they have enough damage and there is little speed, speed will give them more parameters than damage.

    What parameters?

    Increasing the attack speed, let's say by 4%, the damage of every skill is increased by ~4,16% regardless of any attack speed limit because of the damage calculation. That should be clear (@any dev, correct me if i am wrong^^).

    Increase attack speed is always better than inceasing same percentage of damage.

    1. Language: DE

    2. Client version:

    3. Problem: The names of the purple stats of RoFL have a wrong name in german language. They have an additional "e" at the end. The names should be "... vergessenen Legenden"

    4. Screen:

    1. Language: DE

    2. Client version:

    3. Problem: The item with the ID 239554 has the same name like the item with the ID 239555. I think, that the name of the Item with the ID 239554 should be "Handschuhe der Lichtgeschwindigkeit von Khat". It is also wrong in the Set description

    4. Screen:

    ...I play champ/rogue because I have sta/hp gear in addition to my dps gear, so when needed I could swap and tank or offtank, but not tank with same dps gear - with dps gear I die easily, its not true you can tank in dps gear with shield 0 on ch/r ...


    A champ, yes i know it from my own perspective of my own gear, can have like 900k+ HP and ~2kk def in FULL dps gear and without skilled shield form. And you will really say to me, that you cannot tank with such stats? O.o

    If this is really the fact, that you can't with that or don't know what to do then: ok, sorry. "You can't" but "I can".

    But ok. Lets push all other classes. It's ok and fine for me. I want to have same def as a scout and mage pls. would be nice :). All should vote for it

    "Scouts do best burst dps?" I never said it, no need to exaggerate, I said scouts do more than champs in burst which is true;

    for 10 seconds...

    Just for clarification: Champs/Rogue CAN tank with unskilled shield form.

    You should think about your suggestions and should know, what happens if it would be a push for something. You are the example for a champ. If you play a warrior or mage or whatever, I would have said the same, that there is no need for it in my opionion, because the raid overall damaget is too high atm. And yes, it is because of the maybe only 5 classes in the game which are doing a lot of more damage than all other.

    To force the people more group play, the overall damage should be nerfed

    Scouts do best burst dps? :D Look Mage/Warrior.... check dingle dps on b3 in ROFL of a Mage/Warrior and a scout

    Champs CAN easily tank in a dps gear, every boss in RoFL

    And because of this OP champ (dps + tank), the classes don't need a buff to reach the champ (scout or mage should be able to tank all mobs and bosses??? that would be a balance if pushing them btw). The game need to balance some classes (even scout) down to some special classes. The wish of the rework of the set bonus system would be a way of a push (even if it is only a little push) in a false direction

    btw: funny if you think the champ is not too op. comparing with classes (mage or scout) which are doing a little more dps than a champ for what - 10-15 seconds every 5 minutes and only on a single target ~.~. Also comparing with classes like rogue, which can't even reach the champ in any fight and cannot take multiple hits in trash in RoFL. The only reason you say/think your way of the champ is, that you play the champ and don't want to loose your OP part in any time at any instance

    I totally disagree with it. This system with set bonus was always like it is now. Your point is probably, that the agility set now gives agility and is not like the lvl 100 set.

    The chain dps classes still have better! set bonus on upper AND lower body. both sets gives all chain classes attackspeed as a bonus (4% + 2%) while the leather classes gets physical dmg (3% + 2%). If you know the damage calculation, you know that 4% more attack results in a damage boost which is a little higher than 4%. Getting 3% more physical damage results in 3% more damage..

    Also you got as a champion (which you are playing) double attack speed set bonus + new fast hammer. this is totally more than enough for the champion in my opinion.


    Projectiles working as intended like melodic said.

    Interface in German language but you can see Ranged-Damage, because projectiles are ranged weapons.

    Pushing all classes up to god mode is not what a game like this needs.

    You can open a Bugreport for magical damage, if you think that the calculation (mainhand + offhand are added together) of it is not correct, but also there I would say it is intended.

    first: this Post has nothing to do with this bug, please move it in an extra topic.

    But nevertheless I need to say, that a BALANCING can be made in two ways. getting all classes up to the champion or getting all classes down to the maybe priest/warrior? damage dealer.

    Whatever will be choosen, every class has nearly the same power like an other class, regardless of whether a push of all or a nerf of all.

    I would prefer a nerf of all instead of pushing all up to the champion, because a champion can do everything except healing

    This is supposed to be same for all other damage boost types that is dedicated especially to a weapon type or type group.

    hmm like Melodic said. It is not like you said Byte.

    Because of no reaction :/

    Here are some proof screens of a melee class (like champion). It is the same mechanic on ALL MELEE classes!

    Without anything (no %-dmg card btw)

    Physical Damage with a weapon.

    All fine so far. But now, Physical damage with an upper body with "Physical Damage" on it. Like you said byte, it is no "Hammer damage" so it should not be buffed by "Finishing Hammer" Skill, but it is like you see here

    The Upper Body I used is shown here

    That is one point. All melee damages are effected by their "specific" passives for dagger and others. You said Byte, that this should not be like it is right?

    Here is one more bug then. The damage calculation for melee physical damage (only melee damage!) when you have an active buff which increases "Physical Damage"

    In the screen above you see, that the buff is somehow like double calculated for the upper body and the 100 physical damage card.

    The buff I used is

    So btw: Even the card Physical Damage of this card is buffed from "Finishing Hammer"

    So summarized I can say, that the damage calculation for melee damage is a bug in some way, because it is totally different from ranged damage and is totally different from what you said Byte. Please check the code, I guess it is not intended, when you say

    "This is supposed to be same for all other damage boost types that is dedicated especially to a weapon type or type group."

    I can agree with that post except the trash and last boss. Even rogues can survive up to 4 ranks in trash. Please do not nerf the trash again. It would be brain-afk running ._.

    To the bosses: If you know all boss mechanics, the second boss is the hardest. Even the last boss is no gear check, if you know all mechanics :O. If the boss would be like the first time, as we reached to him, yes, that was a real hard gear counter (now it is like freeloot rofl)

    The differences between the equipments of tikal and inferno or inferno and gorge was much bigger than the difference between gorge and new red gear.

    So why should someone, who already have full gorge equipment, getting new red gear. You don't need that gear, because first: it is similar the same like gorge and second: the new instance is a joke in difficulty.

    Not only the player who still run the new instance are complaining about the new system. If you would have thinking about and for the community, the 5 cores would have been at least unbound for trading. The allmighty core could still be bound, but as it is at the moment, the economy will be stagnated, player will be frustrated etc.

    It's your choice as playernet yes, but it's also your problem in the future if there would be a future for this server

    It is not about a weapon, if I can go afk as a tank in instance. You need a tikal geared tank, that's all. You need 1 heal for whole instance, maybe except the trash.

    T18 weapons or new weapons does NOT count. We cleared and farmed the instance with the old gear like you, didnt we?

    My opinion is just, that this hardmode is not really a hardmode like gorge, when we ran with inferno gear.

    I do not even have gorge stats on my tank gear and I think, I do not even need inferno stats, maybe not even tikal stats to tank easily. I had the hope of an instance, where is a lot more single target dmg on the tank and maybe more dmg to the whole group in bossfights.

    The trash is hard, that is nice, really. Maybe the birds were a little bit too strong at the beginning.

    You don't need to cry if our opinions differ from yours. It is all from our / my POV. My wish is an instance where I can have a challenge and not an instance, where you can run with 6 people after the first week, when you are perfectly playing the events.

    Please be objective. Everyone has his/her own opinion and wishes

    Kind Regards

    First of all, nice patch with nice performance improvements.

    But the instance is way too easy for a hardmode. A good geared champion without skilled shieldform can tank whole instance.

    As a tank perspective, like me, you don't even need full gorge equipment/stats to tank all. I guess I do not need to say something about boss 1 and 2. Waiting for tank, that's all ^^.

    Even boss 3, you only need 1 tank btw, i can go AFK <--- for the whole bossfight and can return after i took a shower or something else. I Hope this shouldnt be intended. If some DEV needs a proof vid where the tank goes afk, let me know it.

    Boss 4 is something like trash. Even a Scout can tank it. Maybe because of the abbreviation of the instance name rofl.

    Boss 5 hmm... at the beginning it was hard, really hard. Seemed like impossible to kill. Yes it would be a really hard challenge for a HARD mode. But now, the last boss is even freeloot -.- I hope you will fix it like it was a we played him the first time.