Necro Awakened - Androlier cleanse issue

  • Hello there,

    last boss in Necro Awakened always needs a priest in group to cleanse the negative effect. We also had a warlock/priest in our group and realized, the skill "Great Salvation" (ID: 499858) has nearly the same description as "Cleanse" (ID: 491175) of priest. The only difference is, cleanse can be used successfully, but Great Salvation has no effect.

    Is this intended, not updated description, buggy or can you give some hints, if only cleanse is able to be used there and why? :D

    Here are some screenshots of the two skills, copied from website "Game Info -> skills", but description is the same ingame:

    Thank you very much for clarification.

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    Skill must be usable on enemy target to work, Skills that are for friendly players are not working. So mostly it is AoE skills. Priest cleanse is having special workaround version for this boss fight which is allowing it to be used for enemies for this reason.


  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “Different skills, nearly same information text, but doesn't work in the same case: Priest Cleanse and Warlock/Priest Great Salvation” to “Necro Awakened - Androlier cleanse issue”.
  • Great Salvation is usable while having friendly member or enemy in target. But I have just tested it, while using it on an enemy it only heals yourself. I can understand what you mean and have done there, but it kinda feels wierd. Maybe adjust this skill to be not usable on enemy target or improve description?

    Is it not wanted to add more skills to this boss fight pool?

    Edit: Also description is not accurate. As far as I see it, either it heals your target OR yourself, but not both.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.