Shared Arcane charges for entire account

  • Hi there,

    I've had an idea to suggest a possibility to use all arcane transmutor charges on any character that is assosiated with a single account.
    I know that this system is already implemented to diamons and rubbies but I was also wondering if it was possible to do for arcane charges.

    Reason for this is because it is impossible to mail locked mana stones from a Forge to characters to create tiered stones that can later me mailed back to main character.
    Another thing to mind, there are a lot of players that used to have multiple characters in order to farm phirius stones for arcane charges.

    I think that by doing so, it will be a good quality of life for people that don't particularly want to waste charges that they still have saved on other characters besides their main one.

    Furthermore, thank you for your time in looking into this suggestion.

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