New activity : Lost treasures

  • Hello,

    Just another idea.

    In the world, each forgotten civilization has left remains (lost treasures) we discover from day to day. Taborea seems to have a past like our irl world.

    So why not consider some kind of lost treasure hunt in the game that would give a new perspective for zone exploration.

    Indeed, there are a lot of places on each map that contains ruins or grotto or deserted places.

    The base idea you might ellaborate on, would be to set in random locations (one or several depending on your point of view) on each/selected map, a chest containing one or several valuable items or money or whatever ;). Those item should be in accordance with the map level (maybe instance items ?)

    Those treasures might be guarded or not by at most an elite mob with level in accordance to the current map.

    To avoid grinding, those treasures might be opened once a week per account.

    Respawn frequency and location may be random but location should remain at least one hour to enable a deep exploration of the map.

    It is just a food for thought but I assume that it could be exciting and motivating for all of the players.


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    Approved the thread.