
  • Previously, there used to be an addon (see my attachment) that allowed for enhancing the quality of life in handling items, specifically regarding placing them inside house chests.
    Implements splitting and automatic stacking in chests. Also makes item movements in foreign chests avaible. Was the main reason and use for it.
    but it is not working on CoA sadly (as i know, or atleast only for me not haha).

    Now, onto my proposal, if it's possible. It would be a significant improvement in quality of life if this addon could be made functional again on CoA, or even better, if it could be modified to the server to change how house chests function. The fact that items don't stack automatically is quite burdensome.
    Regards Mela

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    Addon was disabled due to having significantly higher chance to cause items to disappear from house chests. There is no plans to add this addon back into the client, but we would like to implement restacking to chests in future without requiring addon.


  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.