Recent Happy Hour sale timing

  • Due to unexpected problems 13.09.2023 happy haur promo was prolonged to 14.09.2023 12:00

    i was playın tıll 14.09.2023 02:00 am and then go sleep and wait promo to be start at 14.09.2023

    i am workin between 08:00-17:00 enter game after 17:00 why promo time so limited

    its not my fault i want promo prolong whole day time so i can buy huge amount of purify stones that i need

    • Official Post


    We understand your frustration and apologize for any confusion. We communicated the resumption of our Happy Hour, which you can read about in detail here, from 13.09 at 21:00 to 14.09 at 12:00 CEST 21 hours ago to ensure everyone had a fair opportunity. We're sorry you weren't able to take advantage of it during your working hours.

  • If you say tomorrow .. make it tomorrow!

    But I guess that is too much to ask .. good job you don't run a bus service .. the 16:40 will not run today because the driver is ill but we will put a bus on tomorrow.

    Oh look we found a driver so now we sent it out at 21:00 when nobody is waiting and cancel the re scheduled service because we sent a bus out.

    Have a nice day!

  • yesterday when about delay gm saıd ıt wıll be tomorrow dıdnt gıve us tıme. the problem ıs not my work the problem ıs you plan ıt bad tıme. GM's or anyone who are responsıble for thıs plan must also now when to step back when thay dıd sth wrong

    when gm saıd us ıt wıll be tomorrow ı waıted regular tıme ıs thıs my fault what you expect me to play tıer 9 dps set 1-2 more months

    thx arcadıa chronıcles team ruıned my game at the moment

    • Official Post

    The timing wasn’t great for some of you, but there's no way we can make everyone happy with the timing.

    There are just too many players with different schedules and if a promo ran all day, it wouldn't feel as special, right?

    Always keep an eye on our forum for the most up-to-date promo details. While our GMs share info as they get it, it may change, and the final word will always be here.

    s4r1sakal promos have set times. We try to make as many people happy as we can, but sometimes stuff happens and things change.

    Rapter a game promo isn't the same as a bus schedule. We're doing our best here to keep things on track.

    Mistakes happen, but remember, COA isn't just about one promo, and there will be more Happy Hour sales.

    We'll keep working on making things clearer next time.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.
  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “14.09.2023 happy hour don't include players working between 08:00-17:00” to “Recent Happy Hour sale timing”.