Positions for Quest Old Memories

  • Hello,

    we want to share our (thx to Akme for also sharing their findings) findings to the community


    1. 68,2 / 77,9 zando
    2. 30,9 / 70,0 skies platform
    3. 22,5 / 45,3 near light valley
    4. 84,3 / 82,9 exeter graveyard top of tower
    5. 36,9 / 83.4 cave
    6. 17,8 / 63,6 bottle near ocean
    7. 88,0 / 36,8 infront of AoD portal
    8. 49,8 / 50,9 small island
    9. 56,1 / 81,5 underwater bandit cave
    10. 69,7 / 16,6 book in library
    11. 42,2 / 30,1 near darkcore
    12. 64,9 / 47,9 on top of archway
    13. Bee Event -> kill bee and loot
    14. Hydra Event -> kill and loot
    15. Shadow Event -> kill and loot