Tikal boss & class discussions

  • Arthuria I never even used the word "taunt" and of corse it is not enough to hold aggro.
    Every aggro skill of knight makes magical dmg so you can use these on magical boss 3 and boss 1/magical adds boss 1.
    But knight also has skills that do physical dmg. I spam disarmament on physical boss 3 (that is enough with aggro buffs, use threaten on magical boss 3 to get the buff from it.
    For the physical adds from boss 1 you can use the aoe knight itemsetskills, they do physical dmg.
    If you only do whitehits you may not hold aggro at boss 3, but as tank you use your skills not only whitehits.

    At boss 1 the aoe come in an intervall so if you are skilled you can move a lot and take part in boss fight. It is just rly easy with ranged classes.

    About your videos:
    Fist of all: we do not know what equipment each person had so we can't compare their dmg.

    First Video:
    They were lvl 90 in a lvl 87 instance, wow.

    Second Video:
    Hey ppl from my old server... Kythago will most likely have failed again and the scout makes way more dmg than the knight. Oh and lvl 95 in a lvl 90 instance, nice.

    Third Video:
    Most dps in that group start later then knight. Oh and wait, its a 18 men party for Taren and he dies after a few seconds. Yeah i see how you compare dmg in that situation.

    Maybe knight/mage makes a bit more dmg than other knight combos but it is still mainly a tank, not a dps that is equal to other (real) dps classes. So just be happy that you can make a lot of dmg in hos and farm arcadia stats to sell.

    Best regards

  • Looking at the videos... the K/m has support up the wazoo...
    M/p & P/s magic attack buffs
    D/wd mdmg buff
    P/r 10% magic attack buff

    For the burn the party gets...
    M/d -30% mdef
    Wd/s morale boost that gives damage
    K/w light damage buff and ofc AD
    Wl/m surge and warp charge
    M/wl reducing pdef+mdef
    Druid seeds reducing mdef+ pdef
    Midnight Ritual reducing mdef...

    Those bosses probably have less than half the mdef they originally have before all of the debuffs hit XD
    Not to mention that in all videos they are a few levels above the bosses.. I really see nothing too impressive that makes me go WOW here and they even have the K/m in the bottom damage group in the taren/kolanda video because he is doing only 28kk damage output with those buffs and even sigil on kolanda.

    When we start talking about Tikal IIRC the first week that this instance came out I did a pug of first boss with a K/m tank tanking 1st.
    It was Xenoo and I believe he was still pretty new to tanking as K/m... he did fine for being his 1st/2nd time on that boss so it must be your tanks doing something incorrect.

    I know on K/m without even being fully buffed I can get 90k + p.atk from the int... which is a lot considering knight (physical) tank does not require a bunch of p.atk to hold aggro. If is surely something with tanks skill being incorrect.
    Tank is about maintaining aggro and not even worrying about showing up on the scruti. Any damage the tank deals out is considered a bonus and should never be relied on to complete a boss(my opinion ofc since tanks are not meant for being a top damage)

    With all of that said since you are comparing to official I look forward to you sharing screnshots/video of you doing tikal on K/m with a whole entire raid set up to cater to your class as was in the videos you have shared with us here.

  • Is mage a real dps ? since k/m do more damage than all of mage combo , or warden combo ? is warrior/mage a real dps ? since with your logic their damage must be way higher than k/m but actually they come very close to each other and some even be vastly outclass by k/m dps. and the only skill k/m have that do only magic damage is Holy Light Domain, WWS is both magic and phys . But enough of theory crafting, you can go tikal as k/m tank or ask other that tank there as both k/m and k/p or k/w and see what i have said right or wrong. Yeah Xenoo try it first time ,i was in that party and he lost aggro hard,it is the dps that pull thought that first boss . And i am talking about DPS here so stop about tanking.

    Just get to the points, why you see it is fine when tikal deny any gear and power up of k/m dps when it never happen in any instance before, even if you want to compare to HOS then a k/m that bring hybrid weapon tier 15 in tikal should be like a r/m bring a tier 15 dagger in HOS or even a champion/rogue that use tier 15 hammer. Build or way to play is depend on each ppls so it maybe not appear to to other. I can set a whole party to do that like in clip if there is a points of doing that, in any instance or World Boss there is no permanent immune boss like in Tikal and no mechanic that only allow range dps like that so even if i doing that to have overpower boots up i still do zero damage and zero multiple will always be zero so there is no point of getting gear up either.

  • This thread just brings attention to how broken this hybrid class is XD No hybrid should be doing so much damage.

    Just get to the points, why you see it is fine when tikal deny any gear and power up of k/m dps when it never happen in any instance before, even if you want to compare to HOS then a k/m that bring hybrid weapon tier 15 in tikal should be like a r/m bring a tier 15 dagger in HOS or even a champion/rogue that use tier 15 hammer. Build or way to play is depend on each ppls so it maybe not appear to to other.

    I can't understand what you want? You want them to just make it so the bosses stand still and there is no kind of tactic for us to follow? XD
    How can you possibly say that because the way 2 bosses work you are denied playing in this instance... On boss 1 you can sit there and use your range skills fireball silence and lightning add same with the 3rd boss just add HLD.

    I can set a whole party to do that like in clip if there is a points of doing that, in any instance or World Boss there is no permanent immune boss like in Tikal and no mechanic that only allow range dps like that so even if i doing that to have overpower boots up i still do zero damage.

    Maybe you should try making a buff party and learn to follow tactics instead of being upset you cannot own scruti in all instances on a hybrid class.
    There have been a few fights that require magic and physical damage to kill... and my memory is not too great but what about that one boss in KT? was it 2nd that had the circle that made it not as fun to be a melee dps and I am sure that there are others.

  • Build or way to play is depend on each ppls so it maybe not appear to to other.

    It is not up to you how a class should be played. It is up to the developers that program the game.

    Priest/Scout got a matk buff and every priest has a patk buff. Why does it make so less dmg when playing as physical or magical dps in ini I wonder.

  • No, mage is a control and support class. Mage never was a single target dps, he only deals dmg in large trash groups.

    On a serious note...

    How the heck can this be not broken? Especially when my gear is nothing in comparison to an endgame mage nor t15 weapon that you posses.

  • regarding pdmg damage dealer every class except scout/warden is "banned" :) (poooooor rogues)

    you really cry, because your "double click on boss, go afk"-class isnt #1 in the scruti?

    boss 1: do it with the op scout you play sometimes
    boss 2: as melee not even 1% harder than with other classes - sometimes you have to do "events" - if you cant, go play something else
    boss 3: what a shame your hybrid class needs to make a successfull whitehit to get your imbalanced dmg hits
    boss 4: its really hard to move while you do nothing execept waiting for whitehits (poooor boy)
    boss 5: burst, really hard
    boss 6: burst, really hard

    stop crying about one of your 2 op classes, one of them will do the job.

  • Frist, i never said anything about being the best dps the run, i just want to be a dps - one that can be consider in a serious party with that role as k/m and i willing to commit either money or time if need but it need to be possible to do so and i think it is rightful request. And if mage is not a magic damage dealer then your logic about k/m must be tank is null because every skill of mage is design to be damage dealer ,only in practice it show to only useful as support.

    Second,yes i have scout too, a high end one before tikal release and i hate that being buff continuously in every aspect :( .From custom skill, special arrow and weapon that give more than other to a high end ins that favor them to much and now even special transformation with no draw back. I desire to play in a game when everyone can go play what they want and still have a place in party if they really commit to it,not to be force to play any class that hold unfair advantage in any aspect, but that with ROM is nearly impossible so the best we can do is close the gap between the class,not expand it further. And do you believe me if i said i use more button when i play k/m than when i play scout ? Since with k/m i need to switch gear to use skill and ready to react since i am melee and easy to got aggro when i only need to use 2 macro button for scout. Everyone can run easily but people still respect the Olympic Champion because of their hard work and talent, you shouldnt judge people because of their habit or thing they like especially when it doesnt even cause you any harm.

    Third, i want to talk about the history of HoS since i think you guys dont fully know about it, HoS HM was original made to be phys dps dominant ,it was after Hartzfear run it too easy with pdd and the main class that deal most of damage that time was r/m and it was a time that pdd is over popular so it was change to make magic def lower and phys def higher. The sole purpose was to help w/m and mage ,k/m raising from that in a completely accident since before it, k/m was only consider a class you play for fun and none beside me want to try it seriously and ofc ther is no change in skill or item for them and it even go againts the way of official because when official release new ins they make new hybrid weapon for many hybird clas too and we can only got the neft version of it here compare to normal weapon when tikal release .Since HOS HM is built completely like HOS normal,only change is the stats of boss and mobs just like CL. We can say that only Tikal and maybe DN is arcadia unique instance and you can see from both what is the best class in there.

    Once again i said my intention never mean for k/m to overshadow any class in tikal, i just want to use it as a acceptable dps in the instance if i can bring good gear for it since i love it and i dont like to only use it in one ins in the whole game. And i want the dev to neft scout since it already good and always the best choice in lower ins in both party or solo as well as the safest class to bet on since there will be always need to clear mobs.And to do tikal we already have to do the quest that require us to go lower ins that scout is very strong there.

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