PvP Rework [Patch]

  • I killed 9 people here, but it reset when I went out of the Arena.


    Hangi arenanın içinde sıfırlandığını görüyorsunuz? Dahili testlerimize göre, bu görev arenalardan ayrıldıktan sonra sıfırlanmıyor.


  • Hello, (My English is not good. I'm using translation help.)

    We need to fight for the Shadow Moon Merchant here and get the necessary rewards. We also need the cards here. Although rare, matchmaking occurs once a day on this map. Even though I accepted the matchmaking, there has been no match on this map for about a week.

    Even if the matchmaking is 1v1 on this map, do not cancel the match. I think even if it's 1v1, the matchmaking should continue and the game should start.

    I think there needs to be improvement in this regard?

  • Hi all, not long ago my guild began to actively participate in siege wars and I would like to share with you the problems we encountered that made it very difficult to enjoy this content. The first and main one is that players in PvP deal too much damage to each other and often kill with the first hit. As a result, people prefer to go with ranged classes, especially mages, because not many things in this game reduce incoming magical damage. Also, because of this problem, you won’t see warriors or champions at sieges, because on this class I won’t even have time to reach the enemy. At first we thought that we needed to make new PvP sets and then this would not happen, but this is not the case. As an example, I will give you a few screenshots. They show the damage that our opponents from the Asterion guild inflicted on my guildmate Vovachka. Vova made completely new sets (3rd screen), at this siege he was on warden/champion, this class is a tank and good in defence and reducing damage, especially physical, but this did not help him. I remind you that harmony deals damage 5 times per cast (1st screen), and Deadly Arrows deal damage 3 times per cast (2nd screen), Vova in his gear and buff has less than 500k HP. Of course, in addition to the incredibly high damage, there are also other problems with PvP, from something obvious we can draw a balance, where in addition to enormous damage, some classes have advantages such as absorbing part of the damage or several hits, which is very important when saving from a one-shot, some have brief invulnerability from different types of damage, some have invisibility. However, it seems to me that the primary problem is the damage, because PvP that lasts less than a second cannot be interesting to anyone. The forum section is called "Suggestions", so I propose to reduce this damage. I also understand that the server is mostly PvE, especially since Arcadia's PvE content is very good, and very few people are interested in PvP content, but PvP has always been an interesting part of any successful MMO RPG, and perhaps smart changes to this part of the game will attract more players to this content and the server itself. Thank u.

  • Currently the pvp accessories you can buy from the pvp vendor are useless, since you can't stat them.

    Please allow the usage of armor fragment pvp stats.

    Edit: Same thing with shields and talismans.

    • Official Post

    Currently the pvp accessories you can buy from the pvp vendor are useless, since you can't stat them.

    Please allow the usage of armor fragment pvp stats.

    Edit: Same thing with shields and talismans.


    Could you specify IDs? We were unable to reproduce it. If you mean the rings based from description. Desc was fixed with next patch.


  • Hi all, not long ago my guild began to actively participate in siege wars and I would like to share with you the problems we encountered that made it very difficult to enjoy this content. The first and main one is that players in PvP deal too much damage to each other and often kill with the first hit. As a result, people prefer to go with ranged classes, especially mages, because not many things in this game reduce incoming magical damage. Also, because of this problem, you won’t see warriors or champions at sieges, because on this class I won’t even have time to reach the enemy. At first we thought that we needed to make new PvP sets and then this would not happen, but this is not the case. As an example, I will give you a few screenshots. They show the damage that our opponents from the Asterion guild inflicted on my guildmate Vovachka. Vova made completely new sets (3rd screen), at this siege he was on warden/champion, this class is a tank and good in defence and reducing damage, especially physical, but this did not help him. I remind you that harmony deals damage 5 times per cast (1st screen), and Deadly Arrows deal damage 3 times per cast (2nd screen), Vova in his gear and buff has less than 500k HP. Of course, in addition to the incredibly high damage, there are also other problems with PvP, from something obvious we can draw a balance, where in addition to enormous damage, some classes have advantages such as absorbing part of the damage or several hits, which is very important when saving from a one-shot, some have brief invulnerability from different types of damage, some have invisibility. However, it seems to me that the primary problem is the damage, because PvP that lasts less than a second cannot be interesting to anyone. The forum section is called "Suggestions", so I propose to reduce this damage. I also understand that the server is mostly PvE, especially since Arcadia's PvE content is very good, and very few people are interested in PvP content, but PvP has always been an interesting part of any successful MMO RPG, and perhaps smart changes to this part of the game will attract more players to this content and the server itself. Thank u.

    I am also suffering from the same situation. I am also a tank player and I have +20 and 3 or 6 stats in all of them, but mage players, especially Akvo (Bard), only cast one. I've put in so much effort, but I can't enjoy PVP at all if I only eat it. In this case, do I think I should leave the Tank behind and switch to the Bard, which is the only shooting class?

    I think there should be regulation for the Bard class and mages in PVP. No tank should be killed by a single hit.

  • Hi,

    would it be possible to let us also stat pvp weapons and shield/talisman if we want to do that?

    • Official Post

    Shield/Talismans are already possible. Weapons is not planned currently but might be added in future.


  • Ikaria is it intended, that the plate pvp gear is mostly the same like the chain gear? the only difference it more or less in the pdef / mdef of plate and chain (chain has more mdef but less pdef) ?

    I mean there is even a set with more dmg mitigation as set bonus than plate. plate has also no parry and so on.

    Will the plate set be reworked? I just realized it.

    If not, is it possible to change the already plussed set to another one via support (after this hilarious plussing of pvp items x.x) ?


    • Official Post


    We will look to review plate set in a future patch.


  • Cool,

    For example the healer set bonus is more defensive and the def and mdef of the healer items are higher than from plate.

    Few thoughts:

    • Remove the p-attack stats from items
    • Switch str and stamina stat values from items (right now you have a lot of str and low amount of stamina on items)
    • Add parry
    • Increase DMG reduction set bonus to the level of healer set
    • Increase pdef of items itself significantly
    • Increase LP stats of items slightly

    Plate should be the most defensive gear in my opinion. If you want to be offensive as knight, you can wear chain items :)

    Or maybe you think it doesnt fit in your plans for PvP to have pure defensive items?


  • Hi, thanks for posting my long text here. I also have a small request - please turn on the magic wardrobe on the battlegrounds, the original pvp sets looks terrible and playing in such clothes is annoying...

    • Official Post

    Hi, thanks for posting my long text here. I also have a small request - please turn on the magic wardrobe on the battlegrounds, the original pvp sets looks terrible and playing in such clothes is annoying...

    Magic Wardrobe is disabled to make it not possible to mask team flag by using obnoxious sized costumes to gain an advantage by attempting to block it from view(mostly wings), but also using 2h weapons instead of 1h etc. We could potentially look to enable it, but block wings in a future update though.


  • Hi, thanks for posting my long text here. I also have a small request - please turn on the magic wardrobe on the battlegrounds, the original pvp sets looks terrible and playing in such clothes is annoying...

    Magic Wardrobe is disabled to make it not possible to mask team flag by using obnoxious sized costumes to gain an advantage by attempting to block it from view(mostly wings), but also using 2h weapons instead of 1h etc. We could potentially look to enable it, but block wings in a future update though.


    Thanks for the answer, I must say that I never pay attention to the flag behind the player's back, because in any case, I see it as an enemy or an ally. In any case, I hope that the opportunity to change the appearance of clothes will appear in the near future!

  • A couple more small suggestions for pvp:
    1. Return the 1x1 arena without rewards or add some zone where pvp equipment will work, in addition to the existing ones. We have no place to simply look at the parameters and test some things except for the 3x3 arena, which cannot always be assembled.
    2. Return the opportunity to use food for ancient souvenirs at the battle grounds. Food for tokens will be better anyway, we would like to have a simple alternative.

    3. We have a pie for tokens that gives invulnerability to physical damage for 3 seconds, please add the same for magic damage.

    4. Still no pvp katana in game, please add this.

    1. You definitely need a place to test which potions work and which abilities.

    A couple more small suggestions for pvp:
    1. Return the 1x1 arena without rewards or add some zone where pvp equipment will work, in addition to the existing ones. We have no place to simply look at the parameters and test some things except for the 3x3 arena, which cannot always be assembled.
    2. Return the opportunity to use food for ancient souvenirs at the battle grounds. Food for tokens will be better anyway, we would like to have a simple alternative.

    3. We have a pie for tokens that gives invulnerability to physical damage for 3 seconds, please add the same for magic damage.

    4. Still no pvp katana in game, please add this.

    • Official Post
    1. You definitely need a place to test which potions work and which abilities.


    Every Skill is working in PvP Areas, except Item Set Skills.
    For Potions, only PvP exclusive Potions can be used inside PvP Areas (they can be obtained from the PvP Merchants at the Hall of Records in Atlas).


    • Official Post

    A couple more small suggestions for pvp:
    1. Return the 1x1 arena without rewards or add some zone where pvp equipment will work, in addition to the existing ones. We have no place to simply look at the parameters and test some things except for the 3x3 arena, which cannot always be assembled.
    2. Return the opportunity to use food for ancient souvenirs at the battle grounds. Food for tokens will be better anyway, we would like to have a simple alternative.

    3. We have a pie for tokens that gives invulnerability to physical damage for 3 seconds, please add the same for magic damage.

    4. Still no pvp katana in game, please add this.

    1) In future we will look to add method for this to make it easier, we don't plan to bring back 1v1 arena however.

    2) It's not possible to allow this, though we might add some similar foods for Atlas Tokens in future.

    3) There is already magical damage food immunity. 1249330 (Arena Fruit Salad)

    4) Supporting a large amount of weapons is not planned in future with unique pvp skills, so we don't plan to add pvp katana.


  • 3) I looked again and did not find a recipe for this food.

    4)The problem is that there are classes whose skills are not used without a katana, for example, warrior/priest and rogue/ knight, it would be interesting to try them too in pvp, but it's impossible without a katana

    Thanks for ur answers.

  • I have also an idea for tank classes in pvp who dont do damage.

    For future pvp skills, give them a single/aoe taunt. Change taunt in pvp to following:

    • Adds a debuff on target. While under the effect of the debuff, your damage will be reduced by x% when hitting anyone except the player who taunted you

    What I mean is, with taunt debuff you still do 100% damage to the player who taunted you, but to everyone else you do a lot less damage as long as the is up.

    That would bring a tactical benefit for tank players, who loves tanking but not doing damage

  • I have also an idea for tank classes in pvp who dont do damage.

    For future pvp skills, give them a single/aoe taunt. Change taunt in pvp to following:

    • Adds a debuff on target. While under the effect of the debuff, your damage will be reduced by x% when hitting anyone except the player who taunted you

    What I mean is, with taunt debuff you still do 100% damage to the player who taunted you, but to everyone else you do a lot less damage as long as the is up.

    That would bring a tactical benefit for tank players, who loves tanking but not doing damage

    The problem is that tanks on sieges have difficulties with tanking at least 1 bard skill, so your proposal will make little sense until the damage is cut at least to them. (The screenshots show the damage to our tank Vovochka, he has fully made gear like on last screen)

  • I have also an idea for tank classes in pvp who dont do damage.

    For future pvp skills, give them a single/aoe taunt. Change taunt in pvp to following:

    • Adds a debuff on target. While under the effect of the debuff, your damage will be reduced by x% when hitting anyone except the player who taunted you

    What I mean is, with taunt debuff you still do 100% damage to the player who taunted you, but to everyone else you do a lot less damage as long as the is up.

    That would bring a tactical benefit for tank players, who loves tanking but not doing damage

    The problem is that tanks on sieges have difficulties with tanking at least 1 bard skill, so your proposal will make little sense until the damage is cut at least to them. (The screenshots show the damage to our tank Vovochka, he has fully made gear like on last screen)

    as mentioned in a post more above, the plate set should get an overhaul anyway