Screen Resolution Always Resets to default

  • Every time I exit the game and log back in later the Screen resolution keeps resetting not sure why it's saving the options.

    The issue is just annoying and was wondering is there something I can try?

    --Thanks from a Huge ROM Fan

    • Official Post


    There is one easy way which working perfectly.

    1. Open directory where is located your Paradise game client
    2. Inside you should have file client.config.ini, open it in notepad

    Inside client.config.ini you should see:

    windowed width=1200
    windowed height=768
    fullscreen width=1024
    fullscreen height=768
    windowed mode=1

    Setup this like you want, save and change in file propersies to Read-Only [TUTORIAL ].

  • Thanks that worked for me. :thumbup: