Rorazan to Merdhim Tundra

  • Hi new player. Started at level 80. Trying to get back to Vararnas, or begining area. I have run all the way back to Rorazan and can't find the path to Merdhim Tundra. It almost looks like I am suppose to get on the big dragon but no luck. I have done some shout outs in chat for a portal but no response. Could be the newbie status. So any advice would be very appreciated. Thanks.

  • You can open you skills book ("k" by default) and you will have teleportation to few places: to your begining zone, probably reifort etc. Use one of those and then you can find your way to varanas easier. When you get there, be sure to open the snoopy dog and save your point there.

  • I created a new character and selected the level 80 and transport to level 80 area. I checked my skills book and there were no locations listed in it. I suppose I could have marked the starting area in my book before taking the 80 upgrade and transport.

    What I did find was at the level 80 area there is another NPC a few feet away, don't recall the name (has glow over his head) that will give you the option to go back to starting area that you came from. I just did not see him standing there last character. This got me back. I also marked the level 80 area in my book before going back to the starting area.

  • You can allways use Recall it will bring you to starting zone then just walk to snoop and mark it,but before you do that make sure u marked loaction where npc ported you for lvl 80 so u can start over there.

    Gl have fun