mage/warden lost matt/damage

  • hi,

    Before patch I had nearly 401.500 matt and nearly 50k damage. After patch its also down 395.591 matt and 47.693 damage. I check patch notes but there is no any change for m/warden. I didnt change any aquip or anything. after patch when I enter the game it was decrise. I asked other friend they dont decrise anything. I dont understant and I will be pleasure if check what happen.

  • "Values in character frame might appear different due to internal changes made in recent patch, but it wouldn't affect your damage output. There is no change made without announcement neither to mentioned class nor other reported classes with similar reason."

    Quote from Dev Byte in another Post where someone had the same problem as you.

    Was also mentioned in recent patchnotes "Fixed some of character frame values were indicating wrong values sometimes."


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O