Switching from other publisher server to Chronicles of Arcadia

  • Ok, I love the game obviously, but I hate crashes and some other limitations. Also "their" publisher does not meet my expectations.

    Now I am researching other options available.

    Not sure if it's a right a place to ask, or whom should ask (Comunity manager, GMs and/or regular players)

    Anyway, I am going to try and see what happens.

    So my questions so far are:

    1. Do Chronicles of Arcadia have the same crashes as Runes of Magic

    2. Is Chronicles of Arcadia community-based? I mean are there active players who can influence the publisher/developers?

    3. What about content? Is Chronicles of Arcadia the same fun as Runes of Magic?

    4. How many players/guilds/servers are there?

    5. Can I create 1 character to have it all? All classes/races/crafting etc.? Or do I need multiple alt accounts?

    6. Can I solo PvE?

    7. Is it fun to play end-game content? What keeps you playing Chronicles of Arcadia.

    Thank you in advance for reading this and I hope to get the answers to my questions.


  • Welcome to Paradise!

    From what I can take from your post, I believe you have come to the right place. ;)

    "Short" answers to your points:

    1. Basicly yes. BUT: The amount of crashes/critical errors has been massively reduced a while ago. You can acually play the game on max. graphical settings without getting crashes every few minutes, but only occasional. I am playing on nearly max. settings and only some effects disabled, having only 1-2 crashes per day. Maybe some dev can you give an answer with more technical background here.

    2. I would say yes, considering how much influence a community generally can have on a publisher. Usually the team is quite close to the community, actually listening to feedback and making their own decisions based on what the community says and what they think is right. They always are open to suggestions during that process, but dont expect to find everything the community wants implemented into the game.

    3. Up to lv97 content its the same, going on from there the instances from Runes of Magic start to differ more and more, atm we are waiting for their release of the New Pantheon. Additionally CoA have released a bunch of their own custom content, completely new designed instances with gear and stats and also one new Worldboss.

    4. Hard to tell, the server and in particular older zones are not really crowded, but there are enough daily active players to have a good gaming experience. I would say there are about 15 active guilds that are doing daily ini-runs throuhgout all content, but its hard to tell for me and seemingly this number is increasing bit by bit lately. The Auction house also is far from being empty.

    5. You can have all classes/races/combinations/crafting professions etc on one char, but using alts is also allowed.

    6. Yes, everything that is solo-able in Runes of Magic is also here, even more, since the custom gear is stronger you can to a lot more by yourself.

    7. What I like most about endcontent here is that most bosses are event driven and force you to play events of some kind, the known "3-2-1-go-*boss dies few secs later*"-mechanic almost does not exist here. Most bossfight take roughly 5 minutes, some are faster some take longer, the custom worldboss (released almost 3 years ago iirc) still takes about 15-30 minutes to kill, depending on how fast you play his event.

    Besides endcontent there is a lot more stuff that you can do, you can find some threads of newcomers where that is discussed here on the board, but the focus of most players seems to be running the endcontent.

    Have to good start here and a ton of fun.


    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “Switching from Runes of Magic to Chronicles of Arcadia” to “Switching from other publisher server to Chronicles of Arcadia”.
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    Closed the thread.