OpenWorld Events

  • hello,

    My idea is to rework the openworld events that ppl they farm a lot can get any usefull items/cores/fragments or maybe some other rly usefull stuff for energy of justice.

    So the open world zones get more attention again and player have one more option to farm something solo or duo

    Best regards Narsch

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    Approved the thread.
  • Hello,

    maybe you can get yellow stats of inferno/gorge for energy of justice.

    Items, cores and fragments shouldnt be able to get for energy of justice, because one time it was said, that this game is a MMORPG and the people should play together (As I asked for reducing the player amount in RoFL B2 ^^ )

    Kind regards

  • I think the same like Lutine if you could buy them it would make this game to a solo playing game.
    The idea with the yellow stats its nice maybe buying purple items for mementos too something like this

  • Moderator

    Added the Label Zones/Instances