Class Balance [Patch] & Bard

  • Hi,

    regarding latest Patch for scout/mage

    "Increased Wind’s Whistle extra damage to 300%."

    That was not necessary. It is too strong in my opinion. Now this class is, related to all other scouts, totally too strong. Nice single target and aoe damage.

    Please reduce it too 100% like it was. All other scouts are far behind this class now.

    Kind regards

  • M/K

    Messenger of Light - buff say 16% light damage, skill description 5% (PL Lang, Skill description, Buff)

    Buff AND skill description say that Light Damage is increased by 16% and magical damage is increased by 5%.


    That's right. But that's not case in PL Lang. It say 16% light damage and 5% magical damage on buff and skill description say both 5%.

  • Hey. I would like to see at warden \ rogue,

    warden \ mage, warden \ warrior, warden \ scou normal pets dmg and the normal value of a physical attack from strength.

    What do you mean with physical attack from strength?

    Different classes get a different value of physical attack from 1 point strength. I don't think, that this should be changed, otherwise they can start the balancing again.

    Kind regards

  • I want to share my experience with the scout:


    After all changes (including other classes like healer), the "Sapping Arrows" lost their single target advantage. The physical attack increase is good and you can have it 100% up, but other sec-classes got better physical attack improvements. Before it was changed, it also debuffed magical defense and stacked with magical druid-skills. Now it is useless at Boss, because I think all groups have a druid .

    Nevertheless the AOE damage of the class is quite good, because of the Master Reflected Shot.

    The change of Poisonous Bite wasn't a good change in my opinion, because you loose the group/teamplay if more than 1 scout is in the group. Yes this skill does more damage now if there is only 1 scout in group. But this was the one special single target boost of the /rogue, that you can benefit from other Vampire Arrows.

    The buffed Wrist Attack of the class is a nice support/can prevent you from death and the "Exploiting Shot" is a nice single target support (only physical).

    "Deadly Counterattack" is quite a useless elite skill now, because with the crit value you have in 2020, the 280 points of Piercing Arrow doesnt matter.

    Overall, the changes on Poisonous Bite makes me a bit sad, because this class was something special for me and my favorit one. The Scout/Rogue is ranked in midfield (in relation to all scout classes) in my opinion


    What can I say? Quite good changes for reflected shot. This class is the best burst scout. Got a lot of physical attack with all selfbuffs and is quite viable in trash/aoe damage, if you time your buffs. Best choice with low physical attack gear.

    Even a good single target support (only phyiscal)

    Thanks so far


    Good changes on "Entling Offering" that you dont spam shot all the time :D

    Has a really strong AOE with his ISS skill combined with Entling Offering, because of the extra damage which isn't decreased. 60 seconds CD are good in this combo.

    Good physical attack buff combined with a low physical dmg increasement makes this class a good choice for all, who are not familiar or experienced with the scout playstyle.

    Also good single target support (only pdps) with Snipe.

    Stronger than scout/rogue and a good choice for some solo actions


    Nice class so far. Cool physical attack buff with Focus dependent on your ranged damage. Nice instant Snipe and the Curse Bringer is a good skill too.

    The class got some kinda useless skills like every 40 seconds 32 rage/focus/energy for the group and the aggro reduce for the second person in the hatelist of the target. Kinda useless, but it's ok. The class is really strong, because you can deal good damage in trash too with the instant Snipe.

    1 suggestion I have is, that elven eye should be changed, that it is a perma buff like blood arrow and not only 60 seconds. Also I would reduce the mana cost to 1% per seconds and add a 10 seconds CD to the skill, if you remove it or loose it because you ran out of mana. The scout/warrior got a 15 min buff with a bit more crit dmg.

    Really strong class and one of the best scouts.


    Nice group support with "Spiritual Leader" and the damage of "Screen Attack".

    Good playstyle with instant Snipe and reduced cooldown and "ok" heal support with Vampire Arrows, but you don't need it ;)

    One suggestion is to change "Mana Arrows", because right now they are kinda useless. Maybe it could be changed into magical and physical attack increasement for group member?


    Seriously, like I said before in this thread. Change "Wind’s Whistle" back to 100% damage or maybe 50%.

    This class is the strongest scout AOE class. Maybe the strongest AOE class overall, because of "Ignite" which you can spam. Don't get me wrong. Don't change Ignite. But this class should be an AOE scout in my opinion but right now, he has really strong single target dmg too, because Wind Arrows are doing more than 1000% dps with a wl/mage in group.

    Also this class has a physical attack buff (yeah again only physical :( )

    I would suggest to reduce Wind’s Whistle back to 100% or reduce it furthermore. One class should not do best AOE damage and strong/best single target damage.

    Overall this class is stronger than all other scouts.


    Yes, I tested this class even without elite skills ;)

    Don't know if you plan to implement elite skills for class, which haven't one yet. The class is kinda low in damage. Without a warlock/mage in group, this class is quite decent because of your own "Warp Charge".

    But right now it is the worst scout with scout/champ ;)


    What can I say. I don't know what you plan with this class. Right now it is totally low.

    Has group rage/energy/focus recovery, has a 4 sec CD healing skill, has an improved Enhanced Armor with 10% damage reduce, has a group buff with 570!! physical and magical attack (kinda useless).

    If this class should be a dps, there are several changes needed. For example:

    Repelling Arrow should deal AOE damage, after it hitted the target. Healing Shot can be changed, that it will not heal but does extra damage dependent on ranged weapon damage. The "Spirit Meld" increasement should be a percentage like 5 or 10%. "Armor-piercing Arrow" should increase the damage of "Disarmament" and add a 3 second CD on it.

    Mana Conversion could be totally changed for a short selfbuff for increased damage or can be a group recover over time, but then it should include Mana recovery with a percentage for mdps classes.

    If this class should be a tank like rogue/knigt:

    The class needs a shield, otherwise it would be hard to tank. Repelling Arrow should deal AOE damage with an aggro multiplier. Holy Strike should be calculated based on ranged weapon damage. "Escape Danger" can be changed to convert maybe 50% strength and dex into stamina? "Enhanced Armor Perfection" should increase the defence buff value too, because leather classes have really really low p-defence on items and get low defence from stamina. Also the scout has no evasion skill for example. Just a few ideas. Don't know what you planned

    Kind regards

    Edit: Overall you see, scouts are a pdps supporter. This is maybe a reason, why there is a big gap of mages to all pdps classes.

  • I say that the strength gives more physical attack to the others than to the wardens.

    Warrior 1.7kk physical attack

    Champion 1.8 kk

    Warden 1.4kk

    buffs and armor are the same

  • Yes, that is because what I said.

    Different classes get a different value of physical attack from 1 point strength.

    For example: Warriors are getting 2 physical attack from 1 strength.

    Scouts are getting 1.3 physical attack from 1 strength

    Wardens are getting 1.5 physical attack from 1 strength.

    The plain doesn't matter alone. The combined buffs/skills of a class does matter. The warden is not weaker than the champion, even if you have lower physical attack

    Kind regards

  • Scout/Mage

    Seriously, like I said before in this thread. Change "Wind’s Whistle" back to 100% damage or maybe 50%.

    Think a player with gear t13/14 and bow t18 shouldn't comment because u have mega patt + dmg from your gear and then maybe this class is op but player with gear t10/11 bow 14/16 it will not feel this strong dmg. I didn't play yet this class but a change 300% to 50% it's absurd think ;) Then u will have only aoe dmg for trash.

  • Scout/Mage

    Seriously, like I said before in this thread. Change "Wind’s Whistle" back to 100% damage or maybe 50%.

    Think a player with gear t13/14 and bow t18 shouldn't comment because u have mega patt + dmg from your gear and then maybe this class is op but player with gear t10/11 bow 14/16 it will not feel this strong dmg. I didn't play yet this class but a change 300% to 50% it's absurd think ;) Then u will have only aoe dmg for trash.


    I tested the classes myself with my gear. Why you guys always trying to say "it is only because of your gear".


    every scout has Wind Arrow, Snipe, Blood Arrow etc. I mean I bursted 1.5 organs at b3 in RoFL with scout/mage after the change. And btw, before the latest change it was 100%. It is also wind damage, so you profit from wl/mage even more than all other scouts.

    And you missed the first sentence of my post.

    And you said "I didn't play yet". Please, don't say something like that, if you have no experience with it.

    I will not comment anymore something about "your gear/my gear" aspects. The difference between the scout classes doesn't depend on gear. You don't do more/less damage because of same gear with other secondary class.

    It is MY experience with MY tests with the classes.

    The devs knows it and I guess they also check and see it.

    Kind regards

  • Scout/Mage

    Seriously, like I said before in this thread. Change "Wind’s Whistle" back to 100% damage or maybe 50%.

    Think a player with gear t13/14 and bow t18 shouldn't comment because u have mega patt + dmg from your gear and then maybe this class is op but player with gear t10/11 bow 14/16 it will not feel this strong dmg. I didn't play yet this class but a change 300% to 50% it's absurd think ;) Then u will have only aoe dmg for trash.

    What you seem to miss that the gear is irrelevant since he tested every combination with the same gear. So, because of that, the difference between secondary classes does not change. It doesn't matter what gear you have, as long as its the same with every combination. This would only be relevant if he tested one class with worse gear, but since he didn't this does not make any sense.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Scout/Mage

    Seriously, like I said before in this thread. Change "Wind’s Whistle" back to 100% damage or maybe 50%.

    Think a player with gear t13/14 and bow t18 shouldn't comment because u have mega patt + dmg from your gear and then maybe this class is op but player with gear t10/11 bow 14/16 it will not feel this strong dmg. I didn't play yet this class but a change 300% to 50% it's absurd think ;) Then u will have only aoe dmg for trash.

    Very questionable approach of yours. This is a feedback thread and everyone has the right to give said feeback, wether it is agreed upon by others, or not.

    Feel free to present your perspective and ideas (and to disagree), but don't try to discredit the feedback of others. You didn't even test yourself, so the same could be said about you.

    In my humble opinion Lutine did give an accurate display of how the different Scout combinations stand among each other. Regarding Scout/Mage, I don't see why the best aoe class in the game atm should deal high single target damage as well. Maybe 50% is too low for Wind's Whistle, but the current value has to be reduced.

  • "Reduced lag occuring while swapping titles."

    After this change I now have zero lags on my alt, while having small fps drops before, however on my main the issue still remains the same way before. About 50% fps and below for ~3sec. This is 100% independent of my addons, I use the same with both chars and tested without addons again after patch.

    So maybe you can take another look at that, in any case thank you very much for adressing the issue at all!

    Another issue with the skill Touch of Revival (498769) has been bothering me for a while now:

    Though there werent any recent changes made to this skill, the healing done by it is reduced by about a third for every target healed, resulting in only healing myself for the full amount and the most distant ally healed (most times the tank) for the least points, some times less than 10k.

    This is not mentioned in any skill descriptions so I am wondering if this intended or not. If it is, please change the loca.

    In any case I would appreciate a change to this skills mechanic to heal everyone for the same amount, to make it a more viable and safe-to-use healing skill.

    Lastly there are some issues for tanks regarding the recent changes you made to physical light dmg etc where you changed all that dmg to be pure magical.

    Now no more than two tank combinations in the entire game are able to (not even sufficiently) build aggro on physical immune mobs, because they are immune to everything you do.

    Before Knights were able to hit magical and physical, being able to tank any one-sided immune mobs without having /mage as sec-class.

    Now you are forced to use certain tank-combinations to be able to kill Bosses like for example Aldo, which really kills the idea of class-diversity.

    So please reconsider these changes and their impact on existing and possible future content in the game.


    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

    • Official Post

    "Reduced lag occuring while swapping titles."

    After this change I now have zero lags on my alt, while having small fps drops before, however on my main the issue still remains the same way before. About 50% fps and below for ~3sec. This is 100% independent of my addons, I use the same with both chars and tested without addons again after patch.

    So maybe you can take another look at that, in any case thank you very much for adressing the issue at all!


    Do you switch between titles that having skill? If so, can you test on no-skill titles? How many actionbars do you have visible on main character? Can you tell changed titles id/names? Also posting your macro might be helpful.


  • Hey Grox! Sure I can.

    Titles having skills does not seem to matter, I have the same lags switching between two titles both with skills, between two titles both without skills and between titles one with and one without skills.

    On both my main and my alt I have all four regular actionbars in use, with all skillslots filled. No extra action bars.

    Examples for makros I use:

    /run t=GetCurrentTitle()
    /run SetTitleRequest(530592)
    /wait .1
    /cast Wille des Eisenbluts
    /wait .3
    /run SetTitleRequest(t)t=nil
    /run t=GetCurrentTitle()if(IsCtrlKeyDown())then SetTitleRequest(530574)else SetTitleRequest(530584)
    /wait .3
    /run if(IsCtrlKeyDown())then CastSpellByName("Mitternachtsritual")else CastSpellByName("Taktisches Zerschmettern")end
    /wait .5
    /run SetTitleRequest(t)t=nil

    Though I have the same lags while switching titles manually, using those makros without using variables or the skills and even with longer /wait-timings, however then the fps drops are not as bad, since the two switchings do not occur as fast after each other.

    Thanks so far!;)

    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • Hi,

    I wanted to report a bug regarding Priest/Warrior:

    It seems that there are still some problems if two p/w are in the grp. You cannot use "Ascending Dragon Strike" fluently with both p/w "Fighting Spirit Strike" on the mob. Sometimes you can use the skill and sometimes you cannot. I have not figuered out when and when not. Maybe it depends on whether your own "Fighting Spirit Strike" gets on the mob first.

    Can you please check?

    Thanks and regards,


  • Hi,

    I would like to give some feedback on Rouge/Warlock:

    Personally, I prefer if this combination was a single-target / burst class. There are enough other classes out there that do decent AOE damage and the changes to "Soul Stab" are just a joke in terms of AOE damage. So remove the AOE part of "Soul Stab" and increase the damage of "Soul Stab" and "Ghostly Strike" again. Also, you might consider changing "Premeditation" just like you did with Rouge/Mage.

    Because right now the single target damage is lagging behind other rogue combinations and the AOE damage is likely one of the worst.

    Thanks for considering and kind regards

    • Official Post

    As skill description clearly mentions; "When target is under effect of your Fighting Spirit Strike,...", You can't use it with debuff of another Priest/Warrior.

    If you are pointing out some other issue, please let me know.


  • As skill description clearly mentions; "When target is under effect of your Fighting Spirit Strike,...", You can't use it with debuff of another Priest/Warrior.

    If you are pointing out some other issue, please let me know.


    There was a missunderstanding.

    I mean, with both p/w buffs on the mob you sometimes cannot use "Ascending Dragon Strike". And one idea of mine was that if your own buff is the second buff of both p/w buffs on the mob, the problem could be that you cannot use "Ascending Dragon Strike".

    I hope I could clarify it. Otherwise we can also discuss the problem in private chat.

    Kind regards

  • Hello,

    i been trying Ch/w to tank and i like this class but its really hard to keep the AoEs and spam the skills since all the skills for this class use rage, will be good if this class get a reduction of rage cost on runic overload, slash and electrocution, since one of the skills give you 25 of rage when the target have electroction efect, but the cost in put the debuff and use the skill its basicly 30 or 25 depend if you apply the debuff with slash or electrocution, being imposible sustain the AoE and the skill spam, hope get some balance on aoe and spam skills.

    I notice too this class missing one extra aoe skill on the spam skills, cuse all the others class have one skill to hit at least 3 objectives at same time with relative low cold down, will be good if get one skill efect like that too, not really necesary if can get the balance with the rage cost when runic overload is actived.
