Class Balance [Patch] & Bard

    • Official Post

    If you had tested properly for not giving magical defense on raid members, you should also have noticed that this specific buff does not apply at all to raidmembers.

    It is giving buff to members within same raid, as I thought you meant it isn't giving "extra" physical defense, I only tested given buff.

    Reason that skill wasn't working properly is, it was conflicting with an existing elite skill, to notice such bug, we either need to be an active player of this class combination, not so possible in our case, or test all classes even the ones that aren't prepared by us. If you really want to know; reason of bug was Druid/Mage skill Sounds of Season was sharing same power level as mentioned Druid/Champion elite skill.

    In other words, a tester who never tested Druid/Mage ( so don't have leveled up mentioned skill ) can't notice this issue.


  • It is giving buff to members within same raid, as I thought you meant it isn't giving "extra" physical defense, I only tested given buff.

    No it is not. The buff with ID 1501004 from priest/warden with lv20 elite skill is NOT, I repeat, NOT applied to raid members, but only to party members. So they naturally do not get any mdef OR pdef boost. For partymembers this both works just fine.

    In other words, a tester who never tested Druid/Mage ( so don't have leveled up mentioned skill ) can't notice this issue.

    I understand what happened here. I wouldnt have thought of such a possibility as well, however, as you see, while testing for live server its helpful to meet the conditions players have.

    Since many players play multiple classes and have their elite skills, which also very often are maxed out, creating these conditions for testing other combinations as well might prevent unforeseeable issues like this.

    Nevertheless, thanks a lot for clarifying, I found this fact quite interesting. &)


    Think! It's not illegal yet.

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  • Hey ,

    Ch/Druid´s Selfhealing is working in Rofl B3 event (1490573) and he can outheal the DoT


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

    Edited 2 times, last by Cruvor ().

  • Druid/Warlock:

    First of all, I personally really like the design of this combination.

    I don't really mind the low HP since you don't need them in the current instances. And although it's true that there are some parts where you get damage there are currently so many classes that reduce damage and you have skills that reduce incoming damage like "Mother Earth's Protection" or "Rock Protection". So in my opinion this is just a timing aspect/ coordination with your party members.

    My main concern on this class is that the damage output is really low.

    As mentioned above already "Sandstorm" is a joke. The damage is non-existent AND you can't even spam it because of its cooldown. So you have no aoe damage whatsoever. This would be fine if the class would do an huge amount of single target dps, which it doesn't. Even with 20 points of Nature's Power and 3 stacks of Toxic Poison the damage output is really low.

    So, in comparison with other magical damage classes there is no reason to play this class because not only is the single target and aoe dps much lower than it is on other mdps combos but this combination does not even have any real support for the rest of the raid, which most other magical classes have.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • warden pets stop using toggled skills without reason after some time, obversed for a while with natures christal and now with holy crystals' Curing Will, whci is more than just annoying

    Holy Crystals Curing Will cast time does not scale with players cast time and does not increase with stacked buffs, stays at .9 sec although tooltip says .5 . Buffs like guitar and fire training seem to increase its casting speed.

    Same goes for warden/priests Divine Oak Walker.

    german clients warden/priest Divine Oak Walker skill tooltip still is the same.

    german clients priest/druid Chain of Life skill tooltip still is the same.

    priest/druid Chain of life does not reduce/transfer dmg taken from parried hits.

    druid/knights Holy Strike description still mentions "Light Strike Punishment" to be applied to target, which it does not.

    druid/knight Punishment does not heal anymore partymembers or raidmembers at all. not in range of caster nor target.

    You did not mention changes to druid/priest lv20 Rain of Light tooltip and its effect in patchnotes.


    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

    Edited once, last by melodic ().

  • Dear Devs team,

    I have couple of comments regarding ch/wd:

    1st of all, i really like how you made it with earth damage focus, its a nice sustained dps and fun to play, thank you! I always wanted to play it but without elite skills it was severely lacking behind other champ combos in terms of dps.

    I have a question regarding skill "Protection of the Oak" - at the moment if you use the skill it de-summons your pet and you get spirit of the oak instead - since pet actually benefits you a lot more, the way how skill is now is useless. I wonder if this is intended? I hope not, else noone will use this skill.

    I would personally suggest to change it and make it shield/disassembly mode dependent (similar to nature's guidance) while also making sure it does NOT de-summon your pet - for the shield form keep the original 10% sta buff + 2 absorb attacks as is but without summoning oak, so your pet stays, and for the disassembly mode instead of sta and absorb attacks add 10-15% speed buff - would be a nice little burst option for a class that has basically no burst and all sustain. Alternatively, even if you fix de-summoning pet issue, since sta is very low at the disassembly mode, that sta buff is not really practical and i suspect wont be used much by dps.

    My second comment is mana management - nature's guidance (2% mp) every 30 s; explosion wave (5% mp) every 15 s + charged chop uses mana - for any long fights mana becomes a major issue with only pots as a fix. I wonder if you could consider adding a skill option to replenish mana, at least partially? I think "elven amulet", specifically "reinforced amulet" elite - maybe add in addition to the cooldown reduction part also mana recovery (could be fixed amount say 50% or 10% every sec for the duration of the buff - lasts 10 s?)

    Did not have time due to work commitments to try other combos yet, but a lot of them look very cool and unique, many thanks for doing these and continuing to create new and exciting combos!



  • Hello Devs,

    regarding Scout/champ:

    Please considering to change the range of auto-shot. 20 is not playable for this class. If you use the lvl 85 ISS which gives you -80% movespeed, you will cry if the mobs are not in 20 range :)

    Also I would suggest to change some skill CDs. Right now the CD of shot and wind shot depends on your weapon attack speed, which results for the gun of a CD of 3 seconds for wind shot and 2 seconds for shot.

    All other skill CDs are indepentent from the weapon speed. If I look at the skills in the order of CDs:

    piercing Arrow 4 seconds, reflected shot 7 seconds, combo shot 8 seconds, deadly shot 10 seconds, vampire arrow 10 seconds, 45 elite (dont know english name :D ) 15 sec and snipe 20 seconds.

    You will run out of clickable skills after a few seconds and need to wait for CDs. This will result in no sustainable dmg. Snipe "cannot be used in trash" because the long cast time will result in no effect, because mobs dieing too fast.

    I would suggest to change shot to a fix 1 sec CD skill combined with the 25th elite skill of this class.

    It would be also a good change to reduce the wind shot cd of this class to 1 or 2 second.

    Let the class get more sustainable damage, because the burst damage is dependent from Snipe of this class and you can only do 1 snipe with buffs, because of the 20 seconds CD :). Even for long fights snipe does not matter 3 times a minute

  • Quote

    Disabled intelligence based damage over time effects during effect time of Divine Escape to prevent it from interrupting hiding.

    This skill still doesn't reset you're aggro.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • the priests Regeneration buff (500469) applied by using druid/priest lv35 Master of Regeneration does not heal the 2% part on targets , although skill and buff say so.

    if Regeneration is cast normally its works just fine, buff having the same buffID.

    guns are listed as crossbows in AH, not as guns.

    priest/druid lv70 Chain of Life: dmg taken by caster interrupts playing instruments.

    Think! It's not illegal yet.

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  • Magical damage is calculated globally, which means that the magical damage of your mainhand, offhand & equipped ranged weapon all count towards your total magical damage value.

    Afaik, Scout/Warlock is nowhere near being a viable dps atm.

  • About s/wl beside the focus problems during sustain without focus pot, I really think it should for example, turn speed attack/pdmg buffs in some kind of mdmg or poison dmg. Let's see what they do with it.

    Sadly d/wl have same issues aswell so no mdps to test right now :rolleyes:

  • One more comment regarding ch/wd - the elite-modified "briar shield" gets removed and replaced by the briar shield from d/wd - please update, I suspect just need to use a different ID for the briar shield from ch/wd.

    Thank you!

  • Hello

    I have a question about magic combinations. When we finally see new magic combinations such as warlock/scout, warlock/druid, warlock/warden and warlock/knight. Please note that the new combinations will appear in the next patches is not a precise enough term. Why only physical classes are having fun, and we only got scout/warlock and druid/warlock, which do not do any damage compared to the typical mage.

    Regards: P

  • Regarding Scout/Warlock:

    What this combo lacks, imo, are cast multis. Every other magical combination benefits greatly from these multis. Almost every skill of the Scout/Warlock is an instant so this class misses these multis. Maybe you could change the skills as you did with Warden/Druid. Make it's skills a cast and affterwards an instant. Because atm, this class does almost no damage.

    The double focus cost is not that bad, in my opinon. You have enough focus reduce skills/titles etc. and with latest changes (with the last patch) this class uses less skills that cost focus anyway.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • with latest changes (with the last patch) this class uses less skills that cost focus anyway.

    What do you mean? Didn't see any change in patch notes

    About getting skills with cast but instant like wd/d will help but imho class would still be lacking some buffs if you wanna burst, 15+18% poison isn't nearly enough to call it a burst.

  • About getting skills with cast but instant like wd/d will help but imho class would still be lacking some buffs if you wanna burst, 15+18% poison isn't nearly enough to call it a burst.

    I agree. I also think that this is not enough but I wanted to improve this class in small steps so that it won't get buffed like hell and is op.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Knight/druid:

    If Light Chains ID1490817 are used immediately after cooldown, the root effect ID 500195 is only applied for 3sec, not 6sec as it should. This occurs only for every second cast, so -> use -> 6sec root -> 15sec cd -> use -> 3sec root -> 15sec cd -> use -> 6sec root -> ...


    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • Dear Devs,

    I have couple comments re wd/wl:

    1) I really like the combo, very interesting poison based combo, thanks! I am still testing it but options are nice.

    2) It seems that psychic shadow does NOT use shadow chop when my poisoned chop lands critical hit - please check

    3) One suggestion - elven guidance allows to replenish mana if punch or sepal stab from the pet lands a hit; I think since mana for wds is an issue, would be great to add shadow chop to punch or sepal stab - that way would work for all pets

    Thank you for all hard work!
