Ghost Card - Titel: Fire! For victory!

  • Dear Community, Dear Support

    Currently i am leveling my titel system and looking for the goal titels.

    Quest-Titel: No problem, Challenge: DN, System: Crafting and Event- Titel: Minigames.

    For the best Event Titel ("Fire! For victory!") you need 150 "Ghost Cards".

    Therefore you need to collect the titel "Please give me a little more time" (50 ghost cards) and Ghostcard Collector (100 ghost cards).

    In total you need 300 ghost cards for the 844 earth-resistance + 152 all attribute titel.

    You can only obtain the cards in Malatinas: "Parcour of Terror".

    Therefore you need to finish the last 2 lvls (lvl 3 and lvl 4) in under 3 minutes (each). This is not that hard (if you have enough practice).

    In the past weeks i did parcour 10 times and got 5 ghost cards. Sometimes 0, sometimes 1 ghost card (never 2).

    Maybe i was unlucky, maybe i was lucky... I dont know i just can tell you my experience from 10 runs.

    I like to improve my character itself (not only the equipment) and i also like if it takes some time and things that are not obtainable directly in the shop (longtime goals).

    But in this case it would take around 600 days (based on my experiences) for the 152 all attribute titel.

    In my opionin this is way to long for such a small character improvement (since you hardly get any other benefits from minigames at the moment).

    My suggestion to solve this problem would be:

    1. Implement Ghost Card (ID: 205792) in the itemshop.


    2. Increase the droprate from Ghost Card (ID: 205792) rapidly, for example from 0.5 to 5 Ghost Cards each run.


    I hope other players, devs and gms will share there opinion about this topic here.

    Best regards,

    Røflcøpter :)

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