Upgrading skills/ maxing skills issue

  • Dear Arcadia-Community,

    In the past, when i wanted to max a skill in my skillbock, i just pressed "999" on my keyboard/numpad and the skill was upgraded to lvl 104.

    But this does not work for me anymore. I need to click 104 times each skill with my mouse to upgrade it.

    Since i am one of the best "Afk-smoking-Ymir-Tank" in inferno, its very frustrating needing 20 mins to be ready as a dps again (and a pain for my hand).

    Does anyone know what causes this problem (maybe addon?) ?

    Best regards,


    • Official Post

    You are using some addon which is blocking it.

    I suggest you to find which one, to get the answer.

    Below you can see how it is working without this addon.

  • You are using some addon which is blocking it.

    I suggest you to find which one, to get the answer.

    Below you can see how it is working without this addon.

    <video width="352" height="320" controls>
      <source src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/780e3icn16d40rz/20190426_1556275701.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    Your browser does not support the video tag.

    Yeh thats exactly how it should work.

    Hello Kuhsamabinfladen,

    As alternative, you could also try use keyboard arrows to immediately put upgrade level on maximum.


    This also didnt work for me. My arrows are like wasd.. i just start running.

    I found the "bugging" addon.
    It was "Extended Action Bar-v.2.0".

    Does anyone have an alternative addon for displaying missing buffs, which does not cause issues like that?

    Best regards,


  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.