Equipment look - survey

    • Official Post

    Which way of gear preview should be default? 28

    1. Attributes visible at default (24) 86%
    2. Attributes visible with ALT (4) 14%

    Recently we implemented new way of gear preview.

    Please give us feedback, which one you think should be the default.

    The option to change it would still be available.


  • Moderator

    Approved the thread.
  • Option C, like it was before!!! ;(

    Atributes visible as default should be the main, the other mode just makes no sense with RoM tbh.

  • I agree with Madox, there was nothing wrong with the former gear-preview (although a lot of players (myself included) used the add-on StatRating to make it more like the new default with extra info)

    Former Battle Nun (90/86) from (Original) server Isiltir, later known as Agenor.
    On Paradise: Amaron (Magical Wd/D)

  • I like this one, because the previous one was a way to big on my screen. the option to turn on/off your values is a pretty nice thing

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

  • I also really appreciate the new way(s) item tooltips are shown and would not like to have it changed back, since they really got too big.

    I think the default setting should be with attributes shown, because new players who just installed the client and dont know the stats by their names yet might get confused, when they do not see what the stats bonusses are to begin with.

    Personally, I prefer to show only the stats names, this makes the tooltips even smaller and clearer to read, as i know which stat has which bonus on it.

    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.