Champion: Item Set Skill Revamp and Balancing

    • Official Post

    Item Set Skill Revamp and Balancing

    This dedicated sub-thread is for suggestions and feedback on the Lv 75+ Item set skills; it is not intended for discussion or debates on other players suggestions or the current state of Item Set Skills.

    All posts within this threads must follow this format or they will be removed:

    Skill Name:
    ISS Level:
    Suggested changes:
    Reasoning for these changes:

  • Organic Destruction
    level 85
    could it be possible to change from not only being used in Disassembly Mode, and also used in Shield form?
    Most people do not use Disassembly Mode because chain drive does not go off as fast as in shield form and champions that dps prefer Shield form over Disassembly mode.

  • @ohell:
    There is a setskill that can be used from shield form which does exactly the same, Clone Conversion from warnoken.

    My feedback about the champion:
    In general I like all his setskills, I would just suggest one tiny change:

    skill: Organic Destruction
    level: 85
    suggested changes: Remove cooldown on shieldform after clicking the skill
    reasoning for these changes: If it would be possible to go to shieldform immediately after using organic destruction, then a champion could use this skill for his burst. And since a champion tank doesn't have many burst skills it would be appreciated to get one.