Visual transformation Potions

  • hi Arcady Team!

    i have a another Suggestion to You

    can u make a Another Option to Menu
    "turn off Visual tranformation Potion Effect"

    What i mean?:
    In the past week u gave a promotions for Skins but
    if we use transformation Potion np. Donichuka 20%STR +20%DEX
    we can't see our's beautiful skins but aa small Reindeer
    Going on a Hard Dungeons like... Inferno Tical Hos etc...
    we must use that potion's :)

    Think about this Thanks :)

    • Official Post

    Thank you for this suggestion, this is understandable for people who enjoy in game skins.
    Sadly we are not able to realize it as UI option in current state.
    We will try to back to this thread with our DEV's in future as soon as we will be able to understand more clear how it is realized by game graphic engine.