Posts by Itzamna

    Hey, would like to see those items in HH/HW:

    Shint's Secret Intelligence (ID: 213009)
    Sealed Tamburin (ID: 206415)
    Sealed Guitar (ID: 206413)
    Sealed Lute (ID: 206414)
    Potent Luck Potion (ID: 202322)


    Insteed of Ice Blade Arrow -> Thorn Arrow (ID: 214890)
    Insteed of Flying Ice Blade -> Thorny Blade (ID: 214889)

    - Log-in Screen
    - Scout Nerf

    - 15k AC for Molten Fragments
    - 4k AC for Yellow stats ?
    - No lvl 100 offical Content
    - Size of the ini
    - To many Items to refine!
    - Divnity stats are not going to be cheaper ?

    Rakot, i personaly like the scout nerf. As Calo allready said, this class is the kind since then end of CL. Scout is way to easy to play for the damage what this class is doing.


    i was thinking about, how to make Tempest Height usefull again.

    On Insomnia, we got Runes/WA Stats ( lvl cap 58 ) /Craft mats and other cool things, how about to do it here too ?

    Lets say, we can optain there ISS Items from lvl 75 -99, Tier X runes, Maybe Tikal last boss items, or something like that

    Would be nice to get those Titels in HH or Weekend Promo:
    Storytelling Troupe Helper (ID: 530724)
    Story Ceremony Writer (ID: 530752)
    Lucky Holder (ID: 530723)
    Nautilus Shell Leader (ID: 530725)
    What are you looking at? Never seen a bad guy before? (ID: 530510)
    Master of Seals (ID: 530659)

    Daily Quest Tickets (ID: 202434)

    How about we get this buffs from Insomnia on Arcadia?


    ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ Straight Shot +58 (new 15 level elite skill)
    ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ The caster fires a carefully aimed arrow at their target inflicts 268.8% ranged weapon DPS.
    ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ Also increases your critical damage by 6.8% for 12 seconds.
    ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for 20 seconds.
    ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ Bloodbath +58 (new 40 level elite skill)
    ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ For 30 seconds, every 2 seconds your HP are reduced by 3%.
    ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ Physical damage of your daggers is increased by 24.9%.

    Would be nice to get this items:
    Titel-Pack with:
    Storytelling Troupe Helper (ID: 530724)
    Story Ceremony Writer (ID: 530752)
    Lucky Holder (ID: 530723)
    Nautilus Shell Leader (ID: 530725)
    What are you looking at? Never seen a bad guy before? (ID: 530510)
    Master of Seals (ID: 530659)

    And all the other cool titels :3

    1. it was complete unnecessary to change the lavastats to 2,5k AC. 750 AC was complete fine. Even now its not possible anymore to pull a stat (not Tikal stat) after 1 run...

    1.1 Its okay that we can pull infernos stats now, but why 25k AC´s? I know, its for the players who have over 600k AC´s but do u guys even think about the guilds, who dont have so many AC ´s ? 5k for a random Divnity stat, and 10k for a fix stat should be a good idea here, u have to run Inferno anyways for the last boss item.

    2. As Nadana allready sayed. u dont have to use it becaus its still possible to clear the content. Good idea to spend the AC´s. (Love the new HP food :love: )

    And why u decrease the AC´s in tikal ? i see no reason for it.. especially now, after the new price for Lavastats

    Just change Ac´s in tikal back, lower the price form divnity stats like in my example, and 80% of this server is fine with that :)

    Gratz Itzamna

    Dont take a look on my english!

    Hey, i would love to see in IS:

    For Dias:
    Bind Lifter ID: 203488
    Advanced Bind Lifter ID: 202520
    Runes Tier X
    Plussing Stones
    Transformation Potions
    Grand Golden Repair Hammer ID: 203576
    Driller Packages (Armor/Weapon/Accessories)
    Purple Lady´s Hat: (221888)
    Purple Lady´s Coat: (221889)
    Purple Lady´s Pantskirt: (221890)
    Purple Lady´s Boots: (221891)
    Purple Fantasy Dress (Female)(223353)
    Purple Fantasy Stockings (Female)(223354)
    Purple Fantasy Short Boots (Female)(223355)
    Purple Fantasy Gloves (Female)(223356)
    Purple Luxury Noble Mask (223401)

    Little Magic´s
    Some cool weapon skins

    For Rubys:
    All kind of Phirius Potions (A - B - C -D -E )
    Potent Luck Potion ID: 491245

    Gratz Itzamna

    Is it possible to do a PoM event ? Since Proofs are rare for Players who dont farm the World Bosses every time and closeing DN. The only way is Mirrorworld for thos kind of players, and i guess everyone know how annoying Mirrorworld is.
    for example:

    HoS Mantarick&Sydaphex 2 Proofs
    Sardo Castle 1st Boss 3 Proofs
    Tosh 1st Boss 3 Proofs

    and more bosses with events u need to play.

    Gratz Itzamna

    PS: My English sucks

    Phahahahhahahahahahahahahahhhaah, MADE MY DAY

    I healed all inis as Priest/Scout or Priest/Rogue, with a bad gear.

    How is it possible to have so low skill, that u guys asking for it ?(

    DPS Ch/R doesn't have any useful place in arcadia custom inis, what a waste.

    Then u do something wrong :) But yes, u can't compare ch/R with Scout damage, it's kinda sad, the only useful spot is as Tank or Support as Ch/P. For Trash is this class one of the best, but u don't invite a champ just for Trash, just hope that melee classes who is not M/W or K/M, will getting *playable* in the 104 Instance. But please, don't change that skill :)

    I hope that is a late April fool... With that change champion becomes second Scout. U can make great damage with unskilled Shield Form, so please don't change anything with the Demontage Form.

    Best regards Itzamna

    Hey Guys,
    Since the announcment of the new chapter 2 server im already planning on what to play.

    Insomnia - > Warrior/Rogue

    Paradise -> Warrior/Warden

    Why is the Warrior/Warden on Insomnia not that good ? becaus u have 2 sec casttime on your Charge Chop
