Posts by Chibbo


    About r/ch:

    It looks like the skill "Disassembly Shadow" is bugged, the 92.5% dam hammer bonus dissapears after 2s (yes I was wielding a hammer during test).

    I also would appreciate it if you allow us to use daggers again for this class like it was before, I don't like the feeling of hammers, its not rogue-style.



    ..., and then it already having the ability to wear a 2-H hammer...

    Hello, just wanted to correct this misunderstanding, class is getting ability to wear 2H Hammer from Champion sub class and it isn't a new change.


    Playing without hammers will reduce the damage by a lot since Disassembly shadow does not work without hammers... .

    Since this class is currently the strongest rogue class, this also means that daggers are now for the garbage :D

    at the moment there is not a single combination where he as rogue, with better gear than I have for mage, can keep up with me.

    then he does something wrong, even r/ch with daggers is very strong. Varondil did a 400kk dps in trash with full leather gear and daggers. r/wl is still viable and deals alot of damage too. Even rogue/scout does enough dps to keep up.

    first check patch notes, then comment on forum


    1) Charged Chop is bugged on r/wd, the skill is not hitting.

    2) r/ch is still a rogue, I realy enjoyed playing this class with DAGGERS. Having to make 2H hammer (to be honest, dps of 1H hammers is too low, it should be upgraded in order to be used for r/ch) makes no sense. I hope u reconsider this.

    Kind regards,


    If rogues would be pushed, the rogue/warlock should be changed. Because atm the class is very strong at single target. Got two skills dealing more damage each than a snipe from a scout and have a very low cooldown with 4 seconds. also the white hits are hitting hard with the new dark damage formula :)

    1) They don't hit as hard as snipe.

    2) Focus decreases very fast so you can't use those skills every 4seconds unless u use a potion but that has cooldown too...


    Edge of Eternity dagger has worse attackspeed than Gorge dagger, on burst bosses this doesn't realy matter since the attackspeed will be at cap with both daggers but on longer fights or on mobs Edge of Eternity feels so slow... . I play r/m so a slower weapon directly impacts on my dps since every white hit gives another enchanted throw hit. I could equip the lvl60 raska dagger but then my patt becomes too low to do any damage. I hope u try to consider lowering the attackspeed of Edge of Eternity in order to make this class worth playing in gorge/rofl. Thank you in advance!

    Kind regards,


    Which bosses?
    I think only a few had this requirment, this is no big deal.

    Why would this be no big deal? Have you ever done inferno? I would like to see you clear the mobs without ranged dps...

    Totally agree. We have been working for months in learn tactics from Inferno, get enough people to do it, run 10 min to get to last boss in the largest ini ive ever seen (still waiting the crystals which we wont get), do xii runes, t12 gears, t15 xbows just to earn 1k or 2k patt and boom.... I have the same patt that I used to have 4 months ago before spend 200k? 300k? diamonds in little changes to improve just a bit my dps.

    1) I agree with Madoxx, if you guys say that scouts are "OP" why do we need to make t11,t12 items and t15 xbows???? You know what class is "OP"?: knight/mage even with trash gear they do double, tripple the dps of our scouts in hos.

    2) if you check the total damage done in tikal/inferno runs, wl/champs or warrior/mage do the same damage as scouts. I don't see why we would be OP if we only got like a very good 20-30s burst.

    3) Inferno is a huge instance, now it takes even longer to clear it.... nobody has time for this.

    Conclusion: I'm very frustrated with the fact that scout got nerfed. You can give a counter argument and say that we now have +%dammage buffs from relation ships but I think you know too that for scout: patt >>>>>>> dammage. even if we got +10% dammage we would still not have our dps back. I realy hope you guys are concidering to change it back to the good old days because I know a lot of ppl who lost the motivation......

    Chibbo out.