Posts by Oldor

    The most boring part of the game (in my opinion) is weapon-leveling.

    Depending on how many weapons a player is using ... the player stands hundreds (!) of hours doing NOTHING.

    What about a leveling event like the relationship event ... e.g. 300% more exp ... why not?

    I "believe" that this add-on trys to work too fast ...
    After using it for a few times now I can say that "receiving" also stops working frequently.

    I have to go back to ultimate mailmod ... although "ultimate maildmod" is not able to send items from backpack-side 7 or higher.

    Is there another addon that is able to mass-send items from higher backpack-sides ???

    Thx for your answer - but no thats not the problem ... sometimes it stops after the first 6-10 items ... and the mod is much slower as normal. As I said - the receiving is very fast ... there is a problem with sending.

    Hi, just installed last version mailmod - Receiving is a dream - very fast - but Sending eg 30 Items is very slow and very often it stops without any errormessage. Any suggestion what I can do?

    I am a little bit speechless and really happy about the changes.

    What can I say ... just thank you (??) NO thats not enough!!!
    The responsibles demonstrated why this server is a real good server.

    - Service (nearly all the time we find a GM)
    - Short maintenance / solving issues
    - Development (new challenges / new Ideas)


    - one of the most important things: "Contact to the community"!

    Although there a still some points I would discuss :D ... good job ... and at the end I repeat my starting words:

    "Thank you" !!

    1) i didnt get a crit since months and as i remeber they change something with one of the last patches.
    2) What do you mean with slow mailbox?
    3) no comment xD
    4) thats a protection
    5) maybe its loading your addons, thats why it needs a bit more time.

    1) Good for you but I don't know anyone else.
    2) Send and receive some items and you should know it. Compare the time it needs to store the same amount of items after buying them from itemshop^^
    4) Protection against what .. having a lil bit more fun :D
    5) No it has nothing to do with addons.

    And again i want to complain about the idea of the devs that playing in darkness is fun. I attached a screenshot to show the problem.

    The following is just my personal opinion.
    I just want to tell you how I feel about some of the changes you
    made over the last months.

    (1) When I started to play on this server I loved to farm mobs
    because of the wonderful droprate. It was the first time I could farm most
    of the monstercards. The droprate was great and it was a real big fun.

    BUT you took it away.

    (2) When I started to play on this server I loved varanas. I did not get so many crits.
    Varanas was an imposing, spacious city. Varanas was the center of the game (for me)
    and I found most of the needed NPCs. Today, Varanas is or will be in the near future
    a dead city, you deleted most of the important NPCs.

    (3) When I started to play I loved to do dailies with alts because of the gold that is needed
    to pay for the way too expensive guildbuffs.

    BUT you took it away.

    (4) When I play I love daylight because I can see everything and it is fun to play during daylight.

    BUT you took it away.

    (5) When I started to play scout I loved my patk and "worked" hard to raise it.

    BUT you took it (approx 10-15%) away.

    (6) When I played I loved the view of the nature and some of the zones have been
    really beautiful. NOW, some of the zones (e.g. near Obsidian fortress) look like
    Minecraft (maybe Minecraft Zones look a bit better).


    BUT wait- there are more changes- lets see what I got:
    1) New Login Screen Pictures - Nice but useless
    2) New Sounds on Login Screen - Nice but useless
    3) New Icons - Nice
    4) New Inferno - Most boring INI I have ever seen -
    wasting lifetime for waiting and running.
    5) New Korris - Nice
    6) New Worldboss - at least I believe, nice
    7) New Atlas - should be the new center for all players. You call it a city I call it a wild
    collection of houses standing way too closely together and some NPCs framed with
    a wall that is a little bit bigger than a guildcastle wall.
    It is NOT imposing,
    it is NOT spacious,
    "maybe" it is efficient.
    At the end it was a useless change because the total count
    of crits I have during the last days did not change!!!


    What about the things I still don't like?

    1) 3-5 Ports and I get a crit - No change
    2) Way too slow mailbox - No change
    3) Way too slow buying of e.g. Fusionstones - No change
    4) Can't send more than 61 items without changing
    Zone - No Change.
    5) Way too slow login procedure - No change.

    I am disappointed about the things I just described but
    I am and will be still an enthusiastic player. I still
    love the server and I would be happy if the wind of
    change continous to blow ... maybe sometimes in a different